Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Discrimination Essay Example for Free
Discrimination Essay Discrimination is one of the most significant barriers to inclusion. This along with prejudice. As people we are all different and unique in one way or another. This often leads to conflicts and division between people and cause predjudice. People experience predjudice and discrimination for many different reasons some of which may include, sexualtiy, gender, race, disability, religion, background, age, appearance etc. Discrimination and predjuice ,may have significant harmful effects on an individual or friends and family, or even the wider society. For example children who are a victim of discrimination and pedjudice there is danger of damaging their self esteem/ confidence. They arent given the same advantages as other indiviuals and therefore dont the equal opportunities to reach their full potential. They are more likely to not progress and as a result of a lower sekf esteem their motivation to learn is damaged. Children could be excluded from certain roles. This can mean that they are unable to deveop their talent and abilities further which in turn would mean they are not able to make a full contribution to society further on in life. Children who may inflict discrimination to others risk causing themselves harm. For example discrimination and predjudice lead to them making wrongful assumptions of other individuals, this gives them the view that some people are worth less than others, this leads to them having a false view of the world we live in. UNIT 053AMANDA FAY OUTCOME 1. 3 HOW INCLUSIVE PRACTICE PROMOTES EQUALITY AND SUPPORTS DIVERSITY Children have the right to have access to equality of opportunity,, in settings we should promote positive aspects of diversity. Discrimination can interfere and create barriers in achieving this. It is so important that we have an inclusive setting allowing all children and families an equal footing. Working towards inclusion means that we are working to break down the barriers of discrimination and ensuring all children and families fell that they are a part of the setting. This means that we are effectively taking steps in promoting a positive attitude towards diversity and creating equal opportunities for all individuals no matter what. By using inclusive practice we are creating a positive environment ensuring that all children have the chance to progress and achieve further. UNIT 053AMANDA FAY OUTCOME 2. 1 HOW LEGISLATION AND CODES OF PRSCTICE RELATING TO EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND DISCRIMINATION APPLY WITHIN OWN WORK ROLe Working inclusively within our practice means we have legal framework to adhere too. Although laws and leagal requirements cannot change prejudice attitudes and discrimination altogether, it is essential in helping to reduce it. Policies and legal framework give setting support and guidence that is practical and useful. There are several pieces of legislation that are relevant within our setting in terms on providing an inclusive work practice. The disability discrimination act 1995 protects the rights of individuals with disabilities. It outlines a duty for schools to aim to eliminate barriers ensuring everbody is able to have equal access to services. In the disability discrimination act 2005 places a duty for schools to complete a disibility equaltiy scheme and an access plan. As a school we must encourage eveyone to participate in all areas of school life, helping to eliminate discrimination. The special educational needs and disability act 2001 made it un lawful for educational providers to discriminate against individuals that have special educational needs or disabilities. The Children Act 1989 Sets out the duty of local authorities including schools, to provide services according to the needs of the individual child and ensure ,heir safety and welfare. As part of the childrens act 2004 it sets out a duty for us to provide effective accessible services to all children underpinning the five main outcomes for EVERY CHILD MATTERS. The equality Act 2010 outlines legal responsibilities of setting such as schools to provide equality of opportunity for all. Within my own setting and work role I find these peieces of legislation relevant. Within our setting we provide opportunitys for children and families of various race , background, gender disabilities etc. In our eyes every member of our team is valued and included. This extending from pupils to families and staff etc. For example children that may have special educational needs or disabilities we aim to provide effective care and support to suit the individual needs. Where possible extra support is provided. In my own role as a practioner I must remember that no matter how different children are from oneanother they are treated the same and given equal opportunitie to progress and achieve further. UNIT 053AMANDA FAY OUTCOME 2. 2 INTERACTIONS WITH INDIVIDUALS THAT RESPECTS BELIEFS, CULTURE, VALUES AND PREFERENCES. When working within a childcare setting we are in a position where we need to communicate with many different people. Thes including parents/carers and families as well as children. It is very important that we communicate in a way that shows we value and respect children and their families no matter how different they may be from that of our own. Although some people may think the use of carefully chosen words and language as politicly correct. It is important not to be detered as we should be carefull and think about the way we speak /talk to others, especially when in a position where we interact with families on a daily basis. The words and language we use along with how we express ourselves can have a significant effect on attitudes and values we develop. It can help the way we think of others. It could help us to think constructively when talking to other in future and treat people more respectfully. By showing respect and valuing others beliefs, culture etc we will in turn earn it for ourselves. UNIT 053AMANDA FAY OUTCOME 3. 3 HOW TO CHALLENGE DISCRIMINATION IN A WAY THAT PROMOTES CHANGE. As we know discrimination works against promoting and supporting a childs development and their progression. When we are faced with situations of discrimination it is important they are challenged. It is not only children that express predjudice or discriminate. It is good to have strategies in place should this arise. Supporting anybody that is being discriminated against is essential, but also helping the person who is behaving discriminatory trying to change their behaviour. Strategies need to be thought out carefully so not to antagonise the situation further. EXAMPLE If I was faced with a situation where another child was behaving discriminatory toward another by calling them names such as four eyes to a child wearing glasses, I would respond by firstly intervening. I would explain to the child(A) instigating the comments that what the have said is hurtful and un-kind. I would point out that it is unacceptable behaviour. I would ensure I was at the child(A) level to ensure they were understanding and paying attention to me. I would also help the child(A) learn from the situation by helping them to understand the consequences of their actions e. g â€Å"how would you fell if somebody said that to you? †allowing the child(A) to think of it from the other child(B) perspective. I would be careful not to make the child(A) feel disliked by me, â€Å" I like child(A), I dont like it when somebody is un kind. †Should situations like this arise again I would gain support from the class teacher. Possibly even touching on the subject of everybody being different within lesson plans. This allowing children to learn about diffent people, backgrounds, genders, appearance etc. Also teaching them how to be kind and helpful to one another.
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