Saturday, August 31, 2019
Technology in Special Education Classrooms
Odabasi, H. F. , Kuzu, A. , Girgin, C. , Cuhadar, C. , Kiyici, M. , & Tanyeri, T. (2009). Reflections of Hearing Impaired Students on Daily and Instructional PDA Use. International Journal of Special Education , 24 (1), 11. I would like to begin by saying, â€Å"Whatever it takes to teach my students, I am willing to do! †Whether I need to make print outs of everything covered in class, to e-mailing them, to wearing a microphone, etc. The need for technology in the classroom is rapidly increasing with the changing times. I will be teaching high school mathematics and even still I will incorporate technology into my classroom in any way possible, whether it is with computers or calculators. According to this article there is a â€Å"list of benefits of implementing these technologies for special students as follows. He maintains that using these technologies: †¢Maximizes independence in academic and employment tasks, †¢Increases participation in classroom discussions, †¢Helps students gain access to peers, mentors and role models, †¢Helps them self-advocate, Provides them with access to the full range of educational options, †¢Helps them participate in different experiences not otherwise possible, †¢Provides them with the opportunity to succeed in work-based learning experiences, †¢Secures high levels of independent living, †¢Prepares them for transitions to college and careers, †¢Gives them the opportunity to work side-by-side with peers, †¢Helps the m enter high-tech career fields, †¢Encourages them to participate in community and recreational activities†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, & Tanyeri, 2009). According to Odabasi, et. al, â€Å"Aksan defines communication as the transmission of information, ideas, emotions and intentions from one place to another or from on person to another through primitive or mature indicators†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, & Tanyeri, 2009). A common language is necessary in order for one person to communicate with another. Odabasi, et. al states that â€Å"hearing impaired children follow the same processes followed by their hearing peers during learning. However, because of their impairment, their language acquisition, reading comprehension, and written production are later realized in comparison to their intact peers†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, & Tanyeri, 2009). The swift increase in the demand for â€Å"portable information-technology devices†is quickly growing out of control (Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, & Tanyeri, 2009). But, the demand has been the driving force for the influx of cellular phones, personal digital assistants (PDA’s), and GPRS available on the market today. I say if the making of these devices is going to help students with disabilities, then so be it and bring them on. According to Odabasi, et. al, â€Å"Mobile learning provides a motivational stimulus, offers ease of storage and portability, contributes to improved written work, increases knowledge of computers, offers a range of useful functions, and is readily available at all times†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, & Tanyeri, 2009). Within the need for â€Å"Mobile learning†also comes â€Å"Mobile technologies that can be used whenever there is a need for learning, support individual learning, provide collaboration and communication everywhere, accommodate to individuals’ particular knowledge and skill level, sustain uninterrupted access to information resources, and accommodate to daily communication needs†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, & Tanyeri, 2009). Students will be able to contact teachers and access their work outside the classroom with â€Å"Mobile Technology†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, & Tanyeri, 2009). Odabasi, et. al says â€Å"PDA’s have two basic purposes in mobile learning – to provide sustained personal access to ICT, through which teachers might develop familiarity with relevant concepts and practices; and to provide access to the projects and professional development materials†(Odabasi, Kuzu, Girgin, Cuhadar, Kiyici, & Tanyeri, 2009). In conclusion, I will definitely be using technology in my classroom. However, I will have a limited selection and availability of programs, as I will be teaching high school mathematics. I do believe that it would benefit more students to have more access to material pertaining to their classes, no matter which classes they may be.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Chance & Story Essay
In third grade through sixth, I had a friend named Chance. We were best friends and often spent long days and nights over at each other’s house. Whenever I stayed at Chance’s, the house was filled with noise from the two of us and his six brothers and sisters. Chance’s family was Mormon, a religion that my family knew nothing about except the name. He once explained why his family was so large, but it made little sense to me at that time. During the summer between sixth and seventh grade Chance’s family moved away to Utah. I’ve learned a bit more about Mormons since but this assignment offered me an opportunity to learn more about the religion of my friend and how Mormons feel about how they are perceived in the United States, especially concerning the law and discrimination. Chance’s family was only one of many Mormons in my town and surrounding areas. Patty is a good friend of mine who attends the Mormon church in town since she was a baby, so through her I was able to find three people to interview. Her parents were not available, but she introduced me to a Mormon missionary Brian, a neighbor Barbara, and Chris, her mother’s home- teacher. Brian is twenty years old and is originally from Nova Scotia, Canada. He is currently nearing the end of his Mormon mission, which is a semi-required two year work for Mormon young men to an area chosen by the head church in Salt Lake City, Utah. He had just graduated high school when he began the training for the mission. His mission is to go door to door in the neighborhoods to share his beliefs and teach anyone interested about the basics of the church. Barbara is also not originally from this area. She was born and raised in Provo, Utah, which is where the Mormon university Brigham Young is located. She moved here ten years ago when her husband’s job transferred. She is forty-three years old, has five children between six and fifteen, has a college degree from BYU in marketing but doesn’t currently work outside her home, and has been married for twenty-three years. Chris is from this area and has lived here all of his fifty-six years. He is an elder at the church, has four children and sixteen grandchildren so far, works as a machine repairer, and volunteers for the church as a home-teacher in which he regularly visits church members for further teaching about the church. Having such different subjects to interview proved very interesting. Each shared that they have dealt with some sort of discrimination in their lifetimes as Mormons. They all indicated that the problems are rarely very serious and never violent, but are more subtle. Barbara notices the negative attitude towards Mormons most of the three because she lived for so long in Utah, which is heavily populated with Mormons, especially where she lived in Provo. She said that when the family moved, she was surprised to find that there are people who still believe Mormons are the many-wives religion. One woman at her children’s school even asked once if Barbara was one of several wives of her husband. Neither Brian nor Chris said that they have had this problem. Brian said his problem is more centered on his mission work. He has often heard people say ‘there go the two-by-twos. ’ The missionaries work in pairs, so he said the term stuck. For the most part, he says people are friendly towards him and often comment that Mormons are the nicest people they know, but very few choose to actually discuss the church’s teachings. Instead Brian and Chris both said that most people are interested in if Mormons are a cult that traps unsuspecting victims. Barbara also said this is something people have asked in round-about ways such as through her kids. All three said that it is often frustrating the poor view that they feel the majority of Americans have toward the Mormon Church. Barbara and Chris’s children mostly have other Mormon friends, and those that are not Mormon are seldom allowed to attend activities organized for the Mormon youth such as dances, outings, or sport activities if they are to be held at the church. They say that no one has said directly why the kids can’t attend, but all three believe that it is related to the negative view of the church. They all also indicated that any issues that arise are always social in nature, that they have never had a problem with employers or the law regarding discrimination. Interestingly, as I interviewed each person, I found myself also curious about the ‘oddities’ of the Mormon church. When Barbara mentioned the many-wives idea, I wanted to know more about it. So I was doing exactly what the three had said most people do: expressing curiosity about the strangeness instead of the good qualities of the church or its teachings. However, I did learn quite a bit about the basic structure of the church, why it is based in Utah, and how Mormons view the world and the after-life. Since the problems that Mormons experience are almost always social, it is a matter of slowly changing the public’s view of the church. Chris believes that the commercials the church has put on television have gone a long way in changing perceptions about the church. Brian said that attitudes are better in Canada towards the church most likely because it started in the USA, where it experienced a lot of discrimination in its beginnings. So it is a matter of time and continued sharing for the Mormon Church to be recognized as a legitimate religion and not as a cult.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Analysis of the Authors Satire on the Presentation of Products to Consumers in The Onion
Analysis of the Author's Satire on the Presentation of Products to Consumers in The Onion In the mock press release from, The Onion, the author satirizes how products are marketed to their consumers and how people are gullible enough to believe all that marketers say about their product. By describing MagnaSoles, a fake product, the author brings about humor and realization in that most marketing campaigns are bogus. To achieve their purpose, the author uses his diction, appeals to ethos, and includes imagery to satire marketing. By using his diction, the author’s connotation behind his words satirizes marketers and the ridiculous claims that they place on their products. Through describing MagnaSoles as a, â€Å"total-foot rejuvenation system†, the reader can hear the sarcasm dripping from these words. Usually, these specific types of words are used in overplayed infomercials which overhype the product in attempt to sell. When a fake consumer describes their â€Å"intelligent†decision to buy MagnaSoles, they comment on how the product is â€Å"clearly endorsed†by doctors. Using these words, along with fake scientific-sounding jargon, reveals the connotation that people are gullible for believing that these doctors are real, just as many consumers of actual products for sale believe these products are endorsed by â€Å"doctors†. These doctors’ endorsements are used to make the product seem better and the gullible consumers believe what is put in front of them. With the phrase, â€Å"healing power of crystals†, the connotation is implied that anyone should see how this is clearly fake, satirizing how many customers believe anything a products’ website says. Through using diction, the author pokes fun at marketers and those dumb enough to fall for their bogus products. The author also appeals to ethos to satire marketers and their consumers by showing how those who are interested in buying a product, will believe anything they hear. By using customers testimonies, the product seems to actually works, and creates so called proof that the product does what it claims. This account creates a liaison between the customer and the marketer as people will believe â€Å"real†people. By using Helen Kuhn’s testimony of her saying, â€Å"Just try to prove that MagnaSoles didnt heal me†, the product seems to have proof that it works just as many real ads do. Using customer reviews on the MagnaSole, just as infomercials do, pokes fun at those who purchase certain products after hearing good reviews, whether it be from a friend or the TV. By using quotes from Dr. Arthur Bluhe, â€Å"the pseudoscientist who developed the products†, the audience becomes susceptible to being manipulated by the company as this man is posing as a doctor an d seems to know what he is talking about. Companies who create bogus products like MagnaSoles are being satirized through this as many use â€Å"doctors†to promote their products too. By appealing to ethos, just as many infomercials do, the author shows how people believe anything they hear and pokes fun at companies for the way they market to consumers. Through using imagery, the author describes the product and its’ effect in such detail as to be sarcastic about the benefits of MagnaSoles. By painting the image of â€Å"healing crystals used to stimulate dead foot cells with vibrational biofeedback†, the reader is able to see and understand how ridiculous this marketing campaign sounds. This makes fun of ads that try to in depth describe their product, but over exaggerate it and make it sound ridiculous. To continue with imagery, the author describes that foot problems come from when â€Å"the frequency of one’s foot is out of alignment with the Earth†. Anyone who reads this will instantly see how fake this sounds, yet people continue to purchase idiotic products like this. Through using imagery, The Onion describes the product and its’ effects so vividly as to satirize the product and its’ consumer. The Onion’s mock press release on MagnaSoles was meant to satirize marketers and the action they take to get consumers to purchase their product. By using diction, appealing to ethos, and adding imagery, the author shows how ridiculous most ads are.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Balanaced Scorecard and Performance Measurements Case Study
Balanaced Scorecard and Performance Measurements - Case Study Example 2007). The scorecard is effectively utilised in measuring the utilisation of resources in seeking to achieve the objectives stipulated within the context of the organisational vision and mission statement. The balanced scorecard for Otago Museum makes consideration of the companys objectives as compared to the various stakeholders within the organisational structure. The various stakeholders within the organisation need to be able to measure the performance in relation to the objectives of the organisation. As a non-profit organisation, effective functioning of the internal systems is essential in ensuring the stakeholders are focused in performing their responsibilities within the organisation. A consideration of the organisational vision enabled transformation of the objectives into operational goals, which become the fundamental responsibilities for the various stakeholders. The understanding of their responsibilities enables the stakeholders to identify instances when operations are not within the desired outcomes. This enables the stakeholders to adopt measures for making corrections in seeking to ensure the operations remain within the expected standards. These are the stakeholders who have continuously ensured the organisation remains operational. Their fundamental function is the coordination of resources towards achieving the identified outcomes of the organisation. These individuals are involved in the development of the organisational strategies in seeking to ensure delivery of the strategic objectives. Many of the developed strategies remain based on the organisational objectives, which are derived from the vision. The management functions and leadership provided by these stakeholders has remained fundamental in ensuring continued operation of Otago. These stakeholders need to be constantly informed about the modern trends within the business in order to integrate them within the context of Otago operations. The strategic
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Winterbourne View Hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Winterbourne View Hospital - Essay Example On 12th of May 2011, the South Gloucestershire Council got a forwarded letter, which was addressed to the Castlebeck Ltd. The letter had been originally delivered by means of hand to the Wiltshire County Council. The letter, which consisted of five pages and was updated, came from a certain BBC Panorama Programme’s producer (Department of Health 2012). It had allegations that some patients at the Winterbourne View Hospital were subjected to abuse, and this included the patients from Wiltshire, who was within the Winterbourne Hospital. Wiltshire County Council, upon the reception of the letter, forwarded it to the South Gloucestershire Council since Winterbourne was within the location of the council. The prime purpose of the forwarded letter to the Castlebeck Ltd was to illustrate defined examples to the company on how the patients were being subjected to systematic mistreatment by the staff. The main concerns of the letter was the staff’s abusive treatment of patients, the staff’s motivation in the utilization of illegal and dangerous methods of restraint, the pointless suffering of Winterbourne’s patients, the care philosophy abused by some members of staff, the practice of water-based method of punishment, and the professional boundaries transgression (Emerson, E., Robertson, J., Hatton, C., Knapp, M., Walsh, P. and Hallam, A. 2005). Therefore, following the Winterbourne case, the Mental Health Act and the Human Rights, in general, have a big part to play. The Mental Health Act of 1983 was subjected to an amendment in 2007 and is a law in Wales and England that allows for admission to hospital for individuals experiencing a mental disorder. Â
Monday, August 26, 2019
Human resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Human resource Management - Essay Example In 2007 the Air Force changed its evaluation process to make it more user friendly and to achieve a system with value added characteristics. The OPR new design allows the evaluator more flexibility and the ability to provide greater feedback concerning deficiency in performance areas. It is more flexibility because it reduced the time it complete the evaluation by eliminating unnecessary narratives in the report. I like the new system because the new evaluation process provides consistency. The elimination of biased opinions makes this tool fairer for everyone so it can be utilized for promotion purposes. In the past the Air Force wasted a lot of important resources in this process, which could have been used for more useful initiatives such as employee development and training programs. There some things I do not like about the evaluation process. First of the Air Force does not provide the employees the opportunity to express their opinion about their yearly performance. Doing so would allow a more honest process in which the employee can point out the things he/she needs to improve. Such a process would allow the Air Force to better serve the long term professional needs of the employees. Johnson & Johnson is a consumer products company that specializes in healthcare products which is one of the largest global firms with over 230 operating unit locations. The firm has wealth of diverse human resources that provide a competitive advantage to Johnson & Johnson. This company follows a credo which is foundation of values and corporate culture. In 2002 the company started a new project called e-university. The e-university was created to interconnect the different operation units in order to create a centralized training and development platform. The e-university serves three main objectives: it increases learning rate, improve use of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
It's Economics assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
It's Economics - Assignment Example argument is that there will be an increase in the supply of the natural gas, this will lead to a decrease in the price in the long run, hence consumers will benefit. Thus making the gas fueled track cheaper to use (Taylor et al, p 261). From the Long Run Average Cost (LRAC) curve, as the prices of the crude oil drop, the firm will operate at an increasing output enjoying the economies of scale as the factors of production are still not fully utilized. This will continue up to the point indicated by the arrow, the minimum efficient scale (MES) where the Long-term Average Cost will start increasing and the operation at that level will lead to cost increasing faster than the output, hence having diseconomies of scale. The Long Run Average Cost (LRAC) curve for the gas prices will take longer than the one for oil in the economies of scale section as the prices of gas is assumed to drop further from the analysis of Park Company and hence the tractor company will enjoy increased output for a longer time. To maximize profit I will choose to use gas as its Long Run Average Cost LRACs curve stays within the economies of scale section a for long period thus increasing output and maximizing the profit. This is from the fact that the gas prices will drop for a quite longer time. The following information will help to ascertain which of the two theories is true, the world reserves of both the gas and the oil and the political status of the countries which produces them. Some countries may be unfriendly and thus punish the importing country and our company by hoarding the products or increasing the prices. The amount of the world reserves of the both the oil and the gas and which one will supply the demands for long time. The current and the likely future legislation which may favor the use of either of the two products, gas or the oil depending on the effect of on environment. The best strategy for the company is the one that increases the output at the least price
Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Project Management - Essay Example We will look at two real projects that the mentioned have discussed in comparison to project management theories. Many of the world's famous events, structures and facilities have been completed with rigorous and scientific project management. No large scale project has ever been successfully delivered without the use of management tools and strategic planning. Project management therefore is a very essential field, not only in terms of carrying out world renown events such as the Olympics but in ushering technological developments that countries are so much in need of. The purpose of this paper is to move a notch higher from the classroom theories of project management into a look at and examination of real-world projects where we can dig valuable lessons in project management. How we go about this endeavor necessitates the minds of two management experts, Mr. Jon Smith and Mr. Terry Williams whose decades of expertise make them worthy of our inquiry. Particularly, we look at the projects that the two speakers have provided as an example. These projects are real world examples and therefore take into accounts variables that theories may have failed to account for. This makes the study more interesting, but down-to-earth. The main body is composed of the following: the background of the projects, the people (client/contractor, supporters, stakeholders) involved in the project, the selection of the project team, the stages within the project life cycle, the definition of the success of the projects, the planning phase, the problems met and how they were overcame, the project management tools and methodologies employed and lastly, the characteristics that made the projects different, exciting and challenging. The analysis also contains comparison and contrast of the two projects, particularly highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. In the end, I will discuss the three important learnings relating to project management. II. Main Body i. Project synopses (very brief overview of the projects) The first project discussed is the design of a telecom equipment when Jon Smith has worked for Teltrend in 1999 (Smith, 2010). To provide us a background of the products, "Teltrend Inc. designs, manufactures and markets products that interpret and translate translation signals. These products are used by telephone companies to provide voice and data services over the telephone network. The products can be categorized into high capacity products, channelized products and conversion products" (, Inc. , 2010). Smith worked as a technical director in which the primary roles are to take the technology forward and sort out the project management (Smith, 2010). The project was done in a small company of around 60 people. This particular projects is made possible by technology opportunity, especially with the advancement in communication. These projects were primarily carried out for business purposes. The second featured project is the Eurotunnel. The idea of this project can be traced to as early as 1802, when Albert Mathiue, a French mining engineer introduced
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Implementing Strategy & Managing Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Implementing Strategy & Managing Change - Essay Example The crux of the solution is to facilitate a sense of participation to all the stakeholders associated with the issue to solicit maximum cooperation and compliance. This report concerns the implementation of the proposal regarding setting the standard time in which a fire engine arrives at a location at 12 minutes. This proposal though being placed as an inalienable part of the current RMP has come across stiff resistance from the trade unions, government officials and the public. A successful implementation of this proposal necessitates the appraisal and understanding of the external environment in which the organization operates and identifying the salient cultural, political and technical constraints responsible for augmenting such resistance for this proposal (Greener & Hughes, 2006). It was found that extending a sense of ownership and participation to the stakeholders associated with and impacted by the issue would certainly go a long way in assuring a successful implementation of this proposal (Beitler, 2006). As per the existing best practices corroborated three years ago, a fire engine is expected to arrive at 65 percent of the fire incidents within 5 minutes and at 90 percent of the locations in 8 minutes (London Safety Plan, 2008/2011). As per the available data, in the last three years, the fire engines failed to reach at 65 percent of the incidents within 5 minutes (London Safety Plan, 2008/2011). Hence, the attendance standards desperately need to be revised. Going by the current realities, there will also be instances where the fire engines will take more time then the one enshrined in the existing best practices, to arrive at a location. Hence, the setting the maximum time to 12 minutes is pragmatic and realistic. There exists a plethora of cultural factors causing resistance to the proposal under consideration. In the context of the fire and rescue services, London always commanded a peculiar background and attitude (Pepys, 1995).
Friday, August 23, 2019
Multi line regression Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Multi line regression - Statistics Project Example atly depends on statistics in order to determine how well a country is doing in terms of trading with the relevant partners and in enhancing economic growth. In this task, the chosen dependent variable was the United States of America exports, the dependent variables selected are; oil prices, USA car prices and technological product prices. It is assumed that the selected independent variables have a direct relationship with the dependent variable. For instance, car prices will determine if the exports of the same will be higher, especially when compared to prices of cars from other countries such as Japan. In order to understand how the independent variables impact on the dependent variable, multiple regression analysis is usually utilized. Regression is a statistical analysis that is used to evaluate the association or relationship between continuous dependent and continuous independent variable (Chatterjee & Simonoff, 2013). Usually the regression analysis helps establish a number of issues such as if a relationship exists between variables, the strength of the association, the structure or form of the relationship, as well as help in predicting the values of the dependent variable and controlling for other dependent variables. This makes regression superior to correlation analysis. Ideally, regression coefficients depict the mean, variance or change variables under investigation variable for one unit of change in the predictor variable while holding other predictor variables constant in the same model. With regards to coefficients above, it is evident that when oil prices and technical product prices are held constant, the amount of exports will increase by 6.94, when car prices, and technical product prices are held constant, then exports will increase by 4.27 and lastly, when car prices and oil prices are held constant, exports will reduce by -0.52. R-square value stood at 0.9472. Coefficient of determination adjusted for the degree of freedom denoted as
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Team Diversity Paper Essay Example for Free
Team Diversity Paper Essay As a team, we are aware of the term diversity, and how diversity is tied to our teams strategy. A good definition of diversity is the uniqueness each team member brings to the resolution of the project at hand. This includes differences such as race, gender, culture, background, education and thinking styles. It also encompasses subtle dimensions such as experience, sexual orientation, physical appearance, and position each member takes on the team. The key objectives that are focused on are team strategy, strategic intent, valuing each other, leadership diversity and what our team believes about diversity. Diversity Positive/Negative Team Impacts. We have found that we draw upon the creativity, views, and strengths of all team members. One way that this is achieved is through team strategy. This encompasses being a people-oriented, diverse, skilled, empowered, safe and healthy team. This also includes a team that is dedicated to having the highest integrity, and working together in a barrier-free environment. Our team is committed to fostering an environment where all our members are able to feel confident that they can contribute and achieve to their highest potential, and be valued for the unique contribution they bring. To do so enables our team to work more effectively to anticipate and satisfy the needs of the assignments and maintain a quality oriented advantage. Diversity is not an initiative, it is not achieved by a number count; diversity takes hold through the collective behavior of all of us. In addition, we recognize and respect our differences rather than ignore them. Each of us feels valued regardless of our differences. Feeling valued brings us closer together as a team. Collectively we are wiser and more creative than we are individually. Greatest Impact on Team Effectiveness. The four types of diversity that were identified as having the greatest impact on our teams effectiveness are differences in skills and abilities, occupation, age, and value and attitude differences. The following information describes how each of the four types of diversity we chose impacts our team. Differences in Skills and Abilities. Diversity in skills is one of our greatest assets. Together, we bring a mass amount of knowledge and experience to our team. This diversity in skills and abilities allow us to create maximum teamwork and synergy in our learning teams. Without diversity skills we would be ineffective members of this ever changing work world. Diversity skills are the indispensable skills needed by those who plan on being effective leaders in this ever-changing world (Enhancing Synergistic Performance Consultants, 2003). Occupation/Age. Our occupational backgrounds vary from customer oriented to people oriented type of jobs. Our group comprises over 90 years of working experience in varied cultures. Bill Pernot is a 48-year-old Team Leader at AES Alamitos Generating Station. His duties include formulating a five-year budget plan, setting salaries and bonuses, monitoring and maintaining the safety program, and the development of his team. Bill is also the facility security manager. His team includes nine maintenance and operation technicians. They are responsible for the operations and maintenance of two turbine-generating units, which accounts for one third of the generating facility. He has 18 years of management experience in both union and non-union structures and was formerly a union steward himself. Working with people of diverse backgrounds, he has gained insight in dealing with people with different attitudes and styles. Leticia is a 28-year-old National Sales Representative for Melissas World Variety Produce. She is in charge of managing her own accounts. Melissas has a team-oriented structure, which has allowed her to learn from her teammates and express her views as well. She is in charge of the coordination of price lists with the procurement team, setting up ads with her customers and presenting new information to her customers on a daily basis. Her goal and the company goal are to increase sales by at least 25 % each year. Adriana is a 30-year-old Surgical Coordinator at Premier Laser Sight. Her daily duties are customer oriented. She is responsible for scheduling procedures for two surgeons. She also discusses and negotiates the cost of procedures with patients. Yvonne is 43-year-old Business Operations Analyst for The Boeing Company. She has over 25 years of Boeing Management/Administrative experience in the areas of Staffing/Budgets, Human Resources, Presentations and Staff Support. Having held a management position for a number of years has enabled Yvonne to become very familiar with diverse and cultural differences throughout the workforce. Value and Attitude Differences. Our difference is our strength (Cyber Trader, 2003). As a team we strive to have an open and supportive teamwork environment. This benefits the team and helps us better to easily get things done. We are all open-minded when it comes to values and cultural backgrounds. Things like gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, age and physical challenges do not affect our working abilities. We find value in our different personalities, backgrounds and working styles. This helps us better service the needs of our teams. We often come together, discuss our common experiences and appreciate the opportunity to learn from each other in a supportive setting. After reviewing diversity through our team members, we have discovered objectives such as strategy, strategic intent, valuing diversity, leadership diversity and what we believe about diversity. By practicing these objectives, actions and establishing some measurements, this is our opportunity to extend our knowledge of diversity not only in our team environment, but in our business lives as well. References: CyberTrader. (2003). Diversity Values. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on May 30, 2003 from the World Wide Web:http:// Enhancing Synergistic Performance Consultants. (2003). Diversity Skills. Retrieved on May 29, 2003 from the World Wide Web: http://
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Discrimination Essay Example for Free
Discrimination Essay Discrimination is one of the most significant barriers to inclusion. This along with prejudice. As people we are all different and unique in one way or another. This often leads to conflicts and division between people and cause predjudice. People experience predjudice and discrimination for many different reasons some of which may include, sexualtiy, gender, race, disability, religion, background, age, appearance etc. Discrimination and predjuice ,may have significant harmful effects on an individual or friends and family, or even the wider society. For example children who are a victim of discrimination and pedjudice there is danger of damaging their self esteem/ confidence. They arent given the same advantages as other indiviuals and therefore dont the equal opportunities to reach their full potential. They are more likely to not progress and as a result of a lower sekf esteem their motivation to learn is damaged. Children could be excluded from certain roles. This can mean that they are unable to deveop their talent and abilities further which in turn would mean they are not able to make a full contribution to society further on in life. Children who may inflict discrimination to others risk causing themselves harm. For example discrimination and predjudice lead to them making wrongful assumptions of other individuals, this gives them the view that some people are worth less than others, this leads to them having a false view of the world we live in. UNIT 053AMANDA FAY OUTCOME 1. 3 HOW INCLUSIVE PRACTICE PROMOTES EQUALITY AND SUPPORTS DIVERSITY Children have the right to have access to equality of opportunity,, in settings we should promote positive aspects of diversity. Discrimination can interfere and create barriers in achieving this. It is so important that we have an inclusive setting allowing all children and families an equal footing. Working towards inclusion means that we are working to break down the barriers of discrimination and ensuring all children and families fell that they are a part of the setting. This means that we are effectively taking steps in promoting a positive attitude towards diversity and creating equal opportunities for all individuals no matter what. By using inclusive practice we are creating a positive environment ensuring that all children have the chance to progress and achieve further. UNIT 053AMANDA FAY OUTCOME 2. 1 HOW LEGISLATION AND CODES OF PRSCTICE RELATING TO EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND DISCRIMINATION APPLY WITHIN OWN WORK ROLe Working inclusively within our practice means we have legal framework to adhere too. Although laws and leagal requirements cannot change prejudice attitudes and discrimination altogether, it is essential in helping to reduce it. Policies and legal framework give setting support and guidence that is practical and useful. There are several pieces of legislation that are relevant within our setting in terms on providing an inclusive work practice. The disability discrimination act 1995 protects the rights of individuals with disabilities. It outlines a duty for schools to aim to eliminate barriers ensuring everbody is able to have equal access to services. In the disability discrimination act 2005 places a duty for schools to complete a disibility equaltiy scheme and an access plan. As a school we must encourage eveyone to participate in all areas of school life, helping to eliminate discrimination. The special educational needs and disability act 2001 made it un lawful for educational providers to discriminate against individuals that have special educational needs or disabilities. The Children Act 1989 Sets out the duty of local authorities including schools, to provide services according to the needs of the individual child and ensure ,heir safety and welfare. As part of the childrens act 2004 it sets out a duty for us to provide effective accessible services to all children underpinning the five main outcomes for EVERY CHILD MATTERS. The equality Act 2010 outlines legal responsibilities of setting such as schools to provide equality of opportunity for all. Within my own setting and work role I find these peieces of legislation relevant. Within our setting we provide opportunitys for children and families of various race , background, gender disabilities etc. In our eyes every member of our team is valued and included. This extending from pupils to families and staff etc. For example children that may have special educational needs or disabilities we aim to provide effective care and support to suit the individual needs. Where possible extra support is provided. In my own role as a practioner I must remember that no matter how different children are from oneanother they are treated the same and given equal opportunitie to progress and achieve further. UNIT 053AMANDA FAY OUTCOME 2. 2 INTERACTIONS WITH INDIVIDUALS THAT RESPECTS BELIEFS, CULTURE, VALUES AND PREFERENCES. When working within a childcare setting we are in a position where we need to communicate with many different people. Thes including parents/carers and families as well as children. It is very important that we communicate in a way that shows we value and respect children and their families no matter how different they may be from that of our own. Although some people may think the use of carefully chosen words and language as politicly correct. It is important not to be detered as we should be carefull and think about the way we speak /talk to others, especially when in a position where we interact with families on a daily basis. The words and language we use along with how we express ourselves can have a significant effect on attitudes and values we develop. It can help the way we think of others. It could help us to think constructively when talking to other in future and treat people more respectfully. By showing respect and valuing others beliefs, culture etc we will in turn earn it for ourselves. UNIT 053AMANDA FAY OUTCOME 3. 3 HOW TO CHALLENGE DISCRIMINATION IN A WAY THAT PROMOTES CHANGE. As we know discrimination works against promoting and supporting a childs development and their progression. When we are faced with situations of discrimination it is important they are challenged. It is not only children that express predjudice or discriminate. It is good to have strategies in place should this arise. Supporting anybody that is being discriminated against is essential, but also helping the person who is behaving discriminatory trying to change their behaviour. Strategies need to be thought out carefully so not to antagonise the situation further. EXAMPLE If I was faced with a situation where another child was behaving discriminatory toward another by calling them names such as four eyes to a child wearing glasses, I would respond by firstly intervening. I would explain to the child(A) instigating the comments that what the have said is hurtful and un-kind. I would point out that it is unacceptable behaviour. I would ensure I was at the child(A) level to ensure they were understanding and paying attention to me. I would also help the child(A) learn from the situation by helping them to understand the consequences of their actions e. g â€Å"how would you fell if somebody said that to you? †allowing the child(A) to think of it from the other child(B) perspective. I would be careful not to make the child(A) feel disliked by me, â€Å" I like child(A), I dont like it when somebody is un kind. †Should situations like this arise again I would gain support from the class teacher. Possibly even touching on the subject of everybody being different within lesson plans. This allowing children to learn about diffent people, backgrounds, genders, appearance etc. Also teaching them how to be kind and helpful to one another.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Impact of Employee Remuneration on Productivity
Impact of Employee Remuneration on Productivity CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the need for and impact of employee remuneration on organizational productivity. The study will focus on relationship between motivational techniques and employee performance. To examine the relationship between the level of job satisfaction of employee performance. It will also investigate the relationship between remuneration and employee performance. And the evaluation and development of reward process, which in turn can lead to improved profitability in an organization. If it is accepted that organizations assets are its work force, it is imperative that they ensure that they are fully motivated. This is because if the workers perceive that they are poorly remunerated, their performance is likely to drop and this will have negative effects on the organization. It is important to note that there are several theories of motivation proposed by various researchers including Abraham Maslow, Alderfers ERG Theory, Herzbergs two-factor Theory, Equity Theory, Expectancy Theory, McClellands Theory, Goal Setting Theory, McGregors theory X and Y, Ouchis Theory Z etc. (Sarin, 2009; 237). These theories have led to the development of various tools of motivation used by organizations to stimulate the interest of their employees. This research will examine the some of these motivation theories and apply them to measure their actual effectiveness on employee performance as well as organizational productivity. Managing requires the creation and maintaining of an environment for the performance of individual working together in groups towards the accomplishment of a common objectives/ goals. A manager cannot do his job without knowing what his people want. To emphasize the importance of knowing and taking advantages of motivating factors particularly job satisfaction is the concern of the managers. Their job is not to attempt to manipulate people but rather to recognize the motivating factors in designing an environment for performance. The basic element of human behaviour is one kind of activity, physical or mental. We can look at human behaviour as a series of activities, the question that arises, include to what extent can the activities of human being be undertaken in any point in time that is people do things that lead them to accomplish something, but individual goals can be elusive, sometimes people know exactly why they do things. Management task is to get things done through other people due to global economic recession which is affecting Nigeria economy, employee are no longer safe due to unnecessary retrenchment, layoff , payoff compulsory leave etc, employee do not want to put in order to encourage active participation from employee for the attainment of organizational goal, there should be job satisfaction. The word Employee Remuneration to most people refers to money and usually money in addition to wages and salaries. However, job satisfaction according to Lawal (1992, pg56) is the favourableness with which employee view their work. Stephen P.etal (2009), define job satisfaction as a persons general attitude towards her job. It is obtained when there is a proffer fit between job characteristics and wants of employees, in fact Employee Remuneration is an organizational set up as an embodiment of many factors, Employee Remuneration has a cause effect phenomenon, one area that brings about job satisfaction is the motivation of the workers. The factors identified by management to be responsible for Employee Remuneration of workers on the jobs are:- Good Remuneration Job Enrichment Job Content Job Rotation Conducive job environment Positive Criticism Participating in all level of decision process Equity share in the organization. Recognition for contribution made in the organization. Since evaluation of management, professional managers and the writers on management have made a variety of assumptions about what would make the individual employee (that is the worker) to be satisfied, for example, the traditional theory of organization that a system of reward and punishment should be used to elicit the desire behaviour. This is implemented through compensation package based on productivity of an employee e.g. Taylor differentiate system based on the necessity not out of love of money. Therefore, this assumption naturally lead to the conclusion that was an important factor that satisfied the workers on the job. In late 80s, managers started to witness frequent encounter with workers who appeared to be suspicious of management and also are unimpressed by money, unconcerned about productivity and self-centred. Then recognition of for workers become a major challenge to management in view of the fact that a simple solution to the problem did not exist. From the above it therefore implies that for organization to increase employee performance, managers need to be much more sophisticated in understanding of employees behaviour in an organisation. The understanding will provide basic ingredient for the designing and incorporating. Employee remuneration strategies into the policy and objective of the organisation on the total neglect is capable of having a great adverse effect on the organisational objective specially on the long run. Employee resentment of the scientific management system led to the modification of job design and to maintain employee enthusiasm and productivity, job enrichment became HR managers approach to motivation. Employees desire jobs that are challenging, autonomous and will require their intellects. Job enrichment makes provision to fulfil this desire as it involves an increase in the level of responsibility for planning and co-coordinating tasks (Stevenson, 2002; 310 cited in Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2001) cited also in Maxwell et al (2008; 436) the theory of job enrichment is a practical application of Herzbergs hygiene theory, which postulates that employees are motivated when there is an increase in job satisfaction (Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). 1.1 Background to the study In Nigeria, there is a complete dearth of studies that looked into this effective management tool in organisations. Therefore, this study will carry out primary research amongst employees in a Nigerian banking sector. It is important to find out whether labour performance can be improved through remuneration which can be in term of financial and non-financial remuneration/reward in the Nigerian working environment. Hence, the research into reward and motivation has become necessary in order to alert Nigerian employers on the need for adequate motivation, both financial and non-financial to ensure commensurate employee performance. Motivation commences with a need, vision, dream, or desire to achieve what seems impossible. Employers desire their employees to have a can-do attitude to everything. In their opinion, this attitude assures an increase in productivity (Maxwell et al, 2008; 432). In todays increasingly changing world, both employee and employers are trying to find ways to make jobs more meaningful and satisfying. One of the ways to do this is to redesign jobs to better meet new requirements. The re-engineering of jobs has been a significant labor market occurrence over the last 20 years. The design of jobs as it relates to employee participation, flexible working and employee/group independence has experienced extensive changes. These changes include the use of several recent HR practices e.g. employee involvement programs such as quality circles, more use of job rotation and flexibility, job enrichment, job enlargement, and more work-team self-management (Maxwell et al, 2008; 432-433). Redesigning ha s several characteristics of which job enrichment is one. The study of job redesign reveals how various classes of workers vary from one to another in form of what they need. According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2001) cited in Maxwell et al (2008; 433), job design or redesign is any set of activities involving the alteration of specific jobs or interdependent systems of jobs with the intent of improving the quality of employee job experience and their on-the-job productivity. Employee resentment of the scientific management system led to the modification of job design and to maintain employee enthusiasm and productivity, job enrichment became HR managers approach to motivation. Employees desire jobs that are challenging, autonomous and will require their intellects. Job enrichment makes provision to fulfil this desire as it involves an increase in the level of responsibility for planning and co-ordinating tasks (Stevenson, 2002; 310 cited in Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2001) cited also in Maxwell et al (2008; 436) the theory of job enrichment is a practical application of Herzbergs hygiene theory, which postulates that employees are motivated when there is an increase in job satisfaction (Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). The purpose of this research is highlighting the impact of employee remuneration on organisational productivity. It is aimed at identifying those attitudes of the management of the company towards its employees that will enable the company to achieve its corporate goals. This study is necessary as lack of adequate information can hinder organisations from achieving set goals, which usually amongst many others is profit maximisation. 1.2 Aims and Objectives The main aim of this study is to know the importance of employees remuneration to the job satisfaction of the workforce, and theoretically it is to identify the various motivational incentive and summarise the various view of managers on the impact of these incentives on employee. Also this study aims to evaluate Access bank plc success vis-a-vis rewarding their staffs. Objectives The objective of this study is to examine, The Impact that Employee Remuneration has on organisational Productivity in the this, the researcher will attempt to examine the following:- To examine the relationship between motivational techniques and employee performance. To examine the relationship between level of job satisfaction of employee performance. To examine the relationship between employee remuneration and employee performance The evaluation and development of reward process. The link between employee remuneration and job satisfaction 1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Human being as individual has a unique characteristic which is distinct from others, therefore in an organisation that has over one thousand workers, it means there would be different kind of characteristics. Employee remuneration as a psychology concept calls for a thorough understanding of employees need which will enable the management to blend them with the corporate need in order to have an equitable mix that will enhance the realisation of the overall objectives of the overall objectives of the organisation and employee. On a closer look at most organisation, the essential intrinsic factors have not been properly addressed by contemporary organisation, no wonder we have high rate of incessant strike witnessed by these organisations over the year. The problem therefore is how to maintain an equitable compensation package of fulfilling the aspiration of both the employee and employers in such a way that an equilibrium social interaction will be maintained. It is therefore important for the organisation to realize the provision of intrinsic factor that satisfy the need urges, want and aspiration of workers would have a long run effect on the profitability base of the organisation which are fundamental criteria for the measurement of Employees Remuneration. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction In this chapter, the researcher proposes to critically consider a number of theories of motivation that are relevant to the study. In addition, the researcher will examine the impact of employee remuneration, and the relationship between job enrichment and employee performance. To examine the relationship between motivational techniques and employee performance. To examine the relationship between level of job satisfaction of employee performance. To examine the relationship between employee remuneration and employee performance The evaluation and development of reward process. The link between employee remuneration and job satisfaction 2.1 Motivation Theories Motivation deals with the factors that shape peoples behaviour. The three components of motivation identified by Arnold et al (1991) cited in Armstrong (2002; 56) are 1) direction 2) effort and 3) persistence. In a work environment, employees can self-motivate by seeking and engaging in activities that will lead them to achieve set goals (intrinsic motivation) or be motivated by management through various reward systems (extrinsic motivation) (Armstrong, 2002; 56). Earlier views on motivation, albeit not always perfect, have proved to be an important part of the foundation for evolutionary growth. Motivation is a blend of factors that drives peoples actions and it can be classified as individual, group and organizational motivation. The different theories of motivation, in their different ways facilitate our understanding of the complex process of motivation and the fact that there are no straightforward answers to motivating anybody (Armstrong, 2002; 57). Scientific management sees money as the primary human motivator, while the view of human relations is that social factors are the primary human motivator (Sarin, 2009; 237). Frederick Winslow Taylor, who is known as the father of scientific management, focused on applying the concepts of science to improve production by relying on the use of observation, measurement, analysis and improvement of work methods, and economic incentives. His study of work methods in great detail identified the best process for doing each job and laid emphasis on output. This theory was not particularly favoured with workers, who believed that it was not fair to increase output without a commensurate increase in reward (Stevenson, 2002; 21 cited in Maxwell et al; 2008; 433). The instrumentality theory of motivation derived its roots from the scientific management theory of Taylor and also emphasized the importance of money as the main reason people work. Hence, rewards or otherwise should be linked directl y to performance. However, this theory fails to take into consideration other human needs that could affect performance (Armstrong, 2002; 57). This omission gave rise to the needs theory, the basis of which is the belief that an unfulfilled need creates a sense of anxiety. Therefore, in order to create a sense of fulfilment, once a need is identified, a pattern of fulfilling it must be set out. However, not all needs are important at a given time in a persons life. Some needs are more urgent than others (Armstrong, 2002; 58). Abraham Maslows theory (1940) cited in Sarin (2009; 237) is said to have based his theory on Henry A. Murrays postulation that people seek to satisfy their various needs at the same time, rather than in a specific order. Murrays Manifest Needs however did not arrange the identified needs in any particular order of importance, unlike Maslows hierarchy of a set of five needs Physiological, Security, Social, Esteem and Self actualization each of which is related to the other and arranged in order of hierarchy. According to him, once a need is met, it does not motivate a persons behaviour again. However, it is possible to either move up or down each of the levels depending on whether a need has been fulfilled or the realization of a need is being endangered (Sarin, 2009; 237). McClelland (1975) identified three needs achievement, affiliation and power that motivates managers. However, while agreeing with Maslow that motives are part of the personality, he is of the opinion that they are caused by environmental factors. The levels of these needs are dependent on different individuals. While some may have a higher need for achievement, others may desire affiliation or power (Armstrong, 2002; 58). Herzberg (1959) based his theory on two sets of factors extrinsic and intrinsic that were directly relating to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Extrinsic factors are referred to as hygiene or maintenance factors and they are linked to job environment, job context e.g. quality of supervision, work conditions, company policies, relationship with co-workers and level of compensation. Job dissatisfaction may occur where there are no extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors referred to as motivators or growth factors, on the other hand, relate to the job itself e.g. the complexity of work, level of importance with the organization as well as promotion opportunities. The resultant effect of intrinsic factors is a high level of job satisfaction, which according to Herzberg will prevent dissatisfaction and create a positive attitude to work (Di Cesare and Sadri, 2003; 36). Essentially, businesses should study the motivator factors and hygiene factors with a view to optimize motivation and productivity among employees (Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). Some managers hold the view that employee can be motivated to improve productivity by means of monetary incentives. The monetary scheme may be take a variety of different form example price rate, individual bonus, a team or group bonus scheme , a high pay rate system and profit sharing plan. All these have been packaged to motivate employees so as to improve on their performance. However, the general problem of monetary incentives is that they are effective in the short run but not necessary cost effective, on the other hand, money can motivate depending on the individuals need for money. Money is not an end itself but means of satisfying needs, employee remuneration proceeds high organisational productivity his for workers to be satisfied with their job, there is need to study the various motivation theories postulated by management experts. Motivation theories have series of theories, that is complementary to one another. The leading theory are listed below and summarised in table 19.1. the most significant ones are those concerned with expectancy, goal settings and equity, which are classified as process or cognitive theories. 2.2 Employee Compensation Dessler (2008) define employee compensation as all forms of pay going to employee and arising from their employment. He also stated that the compensation can be in two forms and they are direct financial payment and indirect financial payment. Direct financial payment can come in form of wages, salaries, incentives, commission and bonuses. While indirect can be in form financial benefit like employer-paid insurance and vacations. All these are strategy of remuneration, Baron A Armstrong M, give their own contribution towards the strategy of remuneration that the implication of human capital theory is that investment in people adds to their value to the firm. 2.2.1 Why should organisations compensate Employee? According to Stephen P. Robbins David A. Decenzo (2005, pg211) when an organisation design its overall compensation package, it has to look further than just an hourly wages or annual salary. It has to take into account another element, benefits. They even include that employee remuneration are non financial rewards designed to enrich employees live. This has grown a great importance in the life of an employee and a variety over the past years. Also stated that non financial reward should also put into consideration , if an employee invest their human capital into the firm they have to obtain a return not only in form of opportunity to grow and to achieve but also in terms of being valued to their employer. This authors opinion is different from other peoples opinion they include that organisation should have array of benefit such as paid time off from work, life and disability insurance, retirement programs and health insurance. While some of this benefit are been paid by both employee and employer, such benefits are retirement and health insurance. 2.3 Employee Remuneration The word Employee Remuneration to most people refer s to money and usually money is addition to wages and salaries. In fact employee in any organisation set up as an embodiment of many factors. Employee remuneration has caused effective phenomenon, one area that brings about employee remuneration is motivation of the workers In fact employee remuneration in any organisation set up embodiment of many factors. employee remuneration has caused effect phenomenon, one area that brings about employee remuneration is motivation of the workers. The organisations identified to be responsible for employee remuneration of workers are as follows: Job Enrichment Job Rotation Job Content Conducive Job Environment Equity Share in the organisation Participation in all level of decision process Positive criticism Recognition for contribution made in the organisation. Since evaluation of management professional managers and writers on management have made variety of assumption-about what would make the individual employees (workers) to be satisfied for example. The traditional (theory of organisation that a system reward and punishment should be used to elicit the desire behaviour, this is implemented through a compensation packages, based on productivity of employee example of Taylor differentiates payee system of based on the assumption that employee work out of necessity not out of love of money. Therefore this naturally led to the conclusion that money was an important factor that satisfied the workers on the job. In the late eightys (80) and ninetys (90) managers started to witness frequent encounter with workers who appeared to be suspicious of management in view of the fact that a simple solution to the problem of did not exist, in addition it may be noted that when considering some traits of workers. The understanding will provide the basic ingredient for designing and incorporating employee remunerations and strategies into the policy and objective of the organisation as it is total neglect is capable of having a great advance effect on the organisation objective especially in the long run. Reilly P. Williams T. (2006) Support that for employee remunerations to be effective HR needs the support of the top team. An unsympathetic CEO can be the a major block on getting people management issue properly on the agenda. Even when the HR director is low in the pecking order, well behind the chief financial officer information officer, the same result will occur. So HR director as a person needs to be respected by the board, executive etc. need to support and understand what HR is doing. This simply means another way for HR to motivate staff is to have a good relationship with senior management and with employees. 2.3.1 When should an employee is well remunerated? The characteristics of the job need of the individual, it is clear that there are numerous variable between people and their jobs that helps to determine their relationship. It must be noted that the concept of employee remuneration is psychological, it relates to these forces operating within individual employees. The underlying problem is therefore, that management should attempt to strike a balance so as to satisfy the interest of both the organisation and the workers. The reality of management observed that emphasis of high employee remuneration shifted away from the job itself to labour. In simplistic term, an employee organisation productivity can be define as being determined by the level and interaction between ability and motivation thus: Organisation productivity is contingent on a number of factors such as skill (liability appropriate for assigned job)motivation and role clarify (a clear understanding of assigned role). Another way that Reilly Williams T add their support to how HR activity can influence the way to manage their staff, it will be encouraging line managers to allow scope for employee involvement and space for employees to act in practical terms, that this might be supporting the consultation of staff if changes are afoot. Also it is the duty of HR to determine whether the employee is due to be reward, before the department can come to conclusion, such employee have to go through the performance appraisal process which contains three steps Define the job:- the means that the employee understand the nature of the job that he/ she has to do in the organisation and to do it to the organisation standards Appraising performance:- Dessler G defines this as comparing your subordinates actual performance as to the standard that have been set ; this usually involves some types of rating form. Feedback session:- here is the situation where two of you debate on employees performance and progress, an d make plan for any development. There various methods of appraisal methods such as graphic rating scale, Alternation ranking method, paired comparison method, forced distribution method etc. I will try and expansiate on two of this methods PAIRED COMPARISON METHOD:- this is a method whereby the two employee together in terms of quantity of work, quality of work , behaviour, how they react to work whenever they have been called, team work and so on. GRAPHIC RATING SCALE METHOD:- this method can be refer to as the simplest and what most organisation prefer to use for appraising staff performance. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK To provide the required theoretical background for the study attempt will made to review literature of motivation as a means of achieving employee remunerations. Reward Reward can be described as a way which one is been compensate what been done either good or bad, it can also be called benefit that is given to an employee or group of people in an organisation. This can be done directly or indirectly. It usually use to encourage people at work to be able to put more effort in work that need to be done. This usually done when an employee want to sign a contract with an organisation or company such employer needs to allow the employee to be fully aware what the package of the income will be per annum or hourly paid if such an employee is interest he or she is going to sign the contact form. There are two types of rewards, they are financial and non financial rewards. Financial Reward also can be refer to as an incentive which can be in form of financial reward given to an employees whose production exceed predetermined standard that is the production is beyond what the organisation expectation. This can also be in form of pay structure, incentives and benefits this three usually has it important role to play in implementing strategies in an organisation. firstly, For a high level of pay or benefits relative to that of competitors can ensure that the company attracts and retains high quality employees, but this might have a negative impact on the companys overall labour cost. Secondly, by tying pay to performance, the company can elicit specific activities and level of performance from employee. In a study of how compensation practices are tied to strategies, researchers examined 33high- tech and 72 traditional companies. They classified them by whether they were in growth stage. They found that high-tech companies in growth stage (greater than 20percent inflation- adjusted increases in annual sales) or a maturity stage. They found that high-tech companies in the growth stage used compensation systems that were highly geared towards incentive pay, with a lower percentage of total pay devoted to salary and benefits. On the other hand, compensation systems among mature companies (both high-tech and traditional)devoted a lower percentage of total pay to incentive and a high percentage to benefits. ( 2003; pg 69). Organisation believe that given an employee incentives after profit is another way of motivating an employee to put more effort to his /her work this reward can be inform of profit sharing, salary increase, Non- Financial reward 2.5 Job satisfaction you need to talk on job satisfaction Employee performance pg66 amstrong hand bk 2.6 What is Motivation Behind every behaviour there is motive, that is all behaviour is motivated, behaviour psychologist agree that what motivate individual is the satisfaction of their needs but do not develop generally acceptable clarification of needs, several theories of motivation of worker. These theories can be grouped into two major categories. The satisfaction or content theories The instrumentally theories The satisfaction or content theories assume that human beings have needs and its their desire to satisfy these needs that limitation to specific behaviours. The instrumentality or process theories are based on the assumptions of that the part which leads to a goal is influenced by the reception and values of members of the organisation. The theory of Maslow, Adeifer, Herzberg are example of theory of needs satisfaction theories. Vroom porter, Lawal and Jacque are example of instrumentality of theories. Lawal (1993), says Motivation is a persuasive function that come across all aspect of employees development, the need for motivation can be viewed from following perspectives. Qualified manpower must be attracted and maintain in organisation ton exercise Once employed workers must be motivated to exercise their time and energy in achieving the predetermined goals of the organisation. Human resources are most important factor of production in an organisation and must be maintained and developed. The reasons highlighted above suggest that the creation of conducive working environment employee remuneration are the requirement for achievement of organisation success. Hence it is necessary for manager to understand what motivate workers and how motivation influence organisation productivity. In brief, motivation is an inner state that energize activates or more directs or channel behaviour towards goals/objectives. Motivation therefore is a general term used to denotes relationship between needs and the fulfilment of needs. It is dynamic process that this five (5) parts. Deprivation, presence of need (NEEDS) Need crystal led as want (WANTS) Action, goal oriented behaviour (ACTIONS) Tension or drives to fulfil the need (DRIVES) Satisfaction of need that reduce the drive and thus create the need for re-evaluation. The above description of motivation process may not be enough to explain employees behaviour, some theories of some reckoned management writers may be needed for further clarification and explanation. Also there is two types of motivation Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation can be define as 2.8. MASLOW S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS According to Robert (1971), the best known theory of motivation was proposed by MASLOW, who hypothesized that work of every human being there exist an hierarchy of five (5) needs. According to Maslow, human beings have needs that can be arranged in hierarchy of needs, if these needs are satisfied human being will be motivated to perform however a satisfie Impact of Employee Remuneration on Productivity Impact of Employee Remuneration on Productivity CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the need for and impact of employee remuneration on organizational productivity. The study will focus on relationship between motivational techniques and employee performance. To examine the relationship between the level of job satisfaction of employee performance. It will also investigate the relationship between remuneration and employee performance. And the evaluation and development of reward process, which in turn can lead to improved profitability in an organization. If it is accepted that organizations assets are its work force, it is imperative that they ensure that they are fully motivated. This is because if the workers perceive that they are poorly remunerated, their performance is likely to drop and this will have negative effects on the organization. It is important to note that there are several theories of motivation proposed by various researchers including Abraham Maslow, Alderfers ERG Theory, Herzbergs two-factor Theory, Equity Theory, Expectancy Theory, McClellands Theory, Goal Setting Theory, McGregors theory X and Y, Ouchis Theory Z etc. (Sarin, 2009; 237). These theories have led to the development of various tools of motivation used by organizations to stimulate the interest of their employees. This research will examine the some of these motivation theories and apply them to measure their actual effectiveness on employee performance as well as organizational productivity. Managing requires the creation and maintaining of an environment for the performance of individual working together in groups towards the accomplishment of a common objectives/ goals. A manager cannot do his job without knowing what his people want. To emphasize the importance of knowing and taking advantages of motivating factors particularly job satisfaction is the concern of the managers. Their job is not to attempt to manipulate people but rather to recognize the motivating factors in designing an environment for performance. The basic element of human behaviour is one kind of activity, physical or mental. We can look at human behaviour as a series of activities, the question that arises, include to what extent can the activities of human being be undertaken in any point in time that is people do things that lead them to accomplish something, but individual goals can be elusive, sometimes people know exactly why they do things. Management task is to get things done through other people due to global economic recession which is affecting Nigeria economy, employee are no longer safe due to unnecessary retrenchment, layoff , payoff compulsory leave etc, employee do not want to put in order to encourage active participation from employee for the attainment of organizational goal, there should be job satisfaction. The word Employee Remuneration to most people refers to money and usually money in addition to wages and salaries. However, job satisfaction according to Lawal (1992, pg56) is the favourableness with which employee view their work. Stephen P.etal (2009), define job satisfaction as a persons general attitude towards her job. It is obtained when there is a proffer fit between job characteristics and wants of employees, in fact Employee Remuneration is an organizational set up as an embodiment of many factors, Employee Remuneration has a cause effect phenomenon, one area that brings about job satisfaction is the motivation of the workers. The factors identified by management to be responsible for Employee Remuneration of workers on the jobs are:- Good Remuneration Job Enrichment Job Content Job Rotation Conducive job environment Positive Criticism Participating in all level of decision process Equity share in the organization. Recognition for contribution made in the organization. Since evaluation of management, professional managers and the writers on management have made a variety of assumptions about what would make the individual employee (that is the worker) to be satisfied, for example, the traditional theory of organization that a system of reward and punishment should be used to elicit the desire behaviour. This is implemented through compensation package based on productivity of an employee e.g. Taylor differentiate system based on the necessity not out of love of money. Therefore, this assumption naturally lead to the conclusion that was an important factor that satisfied the workers on the job. In late 80s, managers started to witness frequent encounter with workers who appeared to be suspicious of management and also are unimpressed by money, unconcerned about productivity and self-centred. Then recognition of for workers become a major challenge to management in view of the fact that a simple solution to the problem did not exist. From the above it therefore implies that for organization to increase employee performance, managers need to be much more sophisticated in understanding of employees behaviour in an organisation. The understanding will provide basic ingredient for the designing and incorporating. Employee remuneration strategies into the policy and objective of the organisation on the total neglect is capable of having a great adverse effect on the organisational objective specially on the long run. Employee resentment of the scientific management system led to the modification of job design and to maintain employee enthusiasm and productivity, job enrichment became HR managers approach to motivation. Employees desire jobs that are challenging, autonomous and will require their intellects. Job enrichment makes provision to fulfil this desire as it involves an increase in the level of responsibility for planning and co-coordinating tasks (Stevenson, 2002; 310 cited in Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2001) cited also in Maxwell et al (2008; 436) the theory of job enrichment is a practical application of Herzbergs hygiene theory, which postulates that employees are motivated when there is an increase in job satisfaction (Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). 1.1 Background to the study In Nigeria, there is a complete dearth of studies that looked into this effective management tool in organisations. Therefore, this study will carry out primary research amongst employees in a Nigerian banking sector. It is important to find out whether labour performance can be improved through remuneration which can be in term of financial and non-financial remuneration/reward in the Nigerian working environment. Hence, the research into reward and motivation has become necessary in order to alert Nigerian employers on the need for adequate motivation, both financial and non-financial to ensure commensurate employee performance. Motivation commences with a need, vision, dream, or desire to achieve what seems impossible. Employers desire their employees to have a can-do attitude to everything. In their opinion, this attitude assures an increase in productivity (Maxwell et al, 2008; 432). In todays increasingly changing world, both employee and employers are trying to find ways to make jobs more meaningful and satisfying. One of the ways to do this is to redesign jobs to better meet new requirements. The re-engineering of jobs has been a significant labor market occurrence over the last 20 years. The design of jobs as it relates to employee participation, flexible working and employee/group independence has experienced extensive changes. These changes include the use of several recent HR practices e.g. employee involvement programs such as quality circles, more use of job rotation and flexibility, job enrichment, job enlargement, and more work-team self-management (Maxwell et al, 2008; 432-433). Redesigning ha s several characteristics of which job enrichment is one. The study of job redesign reveals how various classes of workers vary from one to another in form of what they need. According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2001) cited in Maxwell et al (2008; 433), job design or redesign is any set of activities involving the alteration of specific jobs or interdependent systems of jobs with the intent of improving the quality of employee job experience and their on-the-job productivity. Employee resentment of the scientific management system led to the modification of job design and to maintain employee enthusiasm and productivity, job enrichment became HR managers approach to motivation. Employees desire jobs that are challenging, autonomous and will require their intellects. Job enrichment makes provision to fulfil this desire as it involves an increase in the level of responsibility for planning and co-ordinating tasks (Stevenson, 2002; 310 cited in Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2001) cited also in Maxwell et al (2008; 436) the theory of job enrichment is a practical application of Herzbergs hygiene theory, which postulates that employees are motivated when there is an increase in job satisfaction (Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). The purpose of this research is highlighting the impact of employee remuneration on organisational productivity. It is aimed at identifying those attitudes of the management of the company towards its employees that will enable the company to achieve its corporate goals. This study is necessary as lack of adequate information can hinder organisations from achieving set goals, which usually amongst many others is profit maximisation. 1.2 Aims and Objectives The main aim of this study is to know the importance of employees remuneration to the job satisfaction of the workforce, and theoretically it is to identify the various motivational incentive and summarise the various view of managers on the impact of these incentives on employee. Also this study aims to evaluate Access bank plc success vis-a-vis rewarding their staffs. Objectives The objective of this study is to examine, The Impact that Employee Remuneration has on organisational Productivity in the this, the researcher will attempt to examine the following:- To examine the relationship between motivational techniques and employee performance. To examine the relationship between level of job satisfaction of employee performance. To examine the relationship between employee remuneration and employee performance The evaluation and development of reward process. The link between employee remuneration and job satisfaction 1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Human being as individual has a unique characteristic which is distinct from others, therefore in an organisation that has over one thousand workers, it means there would be different kind of characteristics. Employee remuneration as a psychology concept calls for a thorough understanding of employees need which will enable the management to blend them with the corporate need in order to have an equitable mix that will enhance the realisation of the overall objectives of the overall objectives of the organisation and employee. On a closer look at most organisation, the essential intrinsic factors have not been properly addressed by contemporary organisation, no wonder we have high rate of incessant strike witnessed by these organisations over the year. The problem therefore is how to maintain an equitable compensation package of fulfilling the aspiration of both the employee and employers in such a way that an equilibrium social interaction will be maintained. It is therefore important for the organisation to realize the provision of intrinsic factor that satisfy the need urges, want and aspiration of workers would have a long run effect on the profitability base of the organisation which are fundamental criteria for the measurement of Employees Remuneration. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction In this chapter, the researcher proposes to critically consider a number of theories of motivation that are relevant to the study. In addition, the researcher will examine the impact of employee remuneration, and the relationship between job enrichment and employee performance. To examine the relationship between motivational techniques and employee performance. To examine the relationship between level of job satisfaction of employee performance. To examine the relationship between employee remuneration and employee performance The evaluation and development of reward process. The link between employee remuneration and job satisfaction 2.1 Motivation Theories Motivation deals with the factors that shape peoples behaviour. The three components of motivation identified by Arnold et al (1991) cited in Armstrong (2002; 56) are 1) direction 2) effort and 3) persistence. In a work environment, employees can self-motivate by seeking and engaging in activities that will lead them to achieve set goals (intrinsic motivation) or be motivated by management through various reward systems (extrinsic motivation) (Armstrong, 2002; 56). Earlier views on motivation, albeit not always perfect, have proved to be an important part of the foundation for evolutionary growth. Motivation is a blend of factors that drives peoples actions and it can be classified as individual, group and organizational motivation. The different theories of motivation, in their different ways facilitate our understanding of the complex process of motivation and the fact that there are no straightforward answers to motivating anybody (Armstrong, 2002; 57). Scientific management sees money as the primary human motivator, while the view of human relations is that social factors are the primary human motivator (Sarin, 2009; 237). Frederick Winslow Taylor, who is known as the father of scientific management, focused on applying the concepts of science to improve production by relying on the use of observation, measurement, analysis and improvement of work methods, and economic incentives. His study of work methods in great detail identified the best process for doing each job and laid emphasis on output. This theory was not particularly favoured with workers, who believed that it was not fair to increase output without a commensurate increase in reward (Stevenson, 2002; 21 cited in Maxwell et al; 2008; 433). The instrumentality theory of motivation derived its roots from the scientific management theory of Taylor and also emphasized the importance of money as the main reason people work. Hence, rewards or otherwise should be linked directl y to performance. However, this theory fails to take into consideration other human needs that could affect performance (Armstrong, 2002; 57). This omission gave rise to the needs theory, the basis of which is the belief that an unfulfilled need creates a sense of anxiety. Therefore, in order to create a sense of fulfilment, once a need is identified, a pattern of fulfilling it must be set out. However, not all needs are important at a given time in a persons life. Some needs are more urgent than others (Armstrong, 2002; 58). Abraham Maslows theory (1940) cited in Sarin (2009; 237) is said to have based his theory on Henry A. Murrays postulation that people seek to satisfy their various needs at the same time, rather than in a specific order. Murrays Manifest Needs however did not arrange the identified needs in any particular order of importance, unlike Maslows hierarchy of a set of five needs Physiological, Security, Social, Esteem and Self actualization each of which is related to the other and arranged in order of hierarchy. According to him, once a need is met, it does not motivate a persons behaviour again. However, it is possible to either move up or down each of the levels depending on whether a need has been fulfilled or the realization of a need is being endangered (Sarin, 2009; 237). McClelland (1975) identified three needs achievement, affiliation and power that motivates managers. However, while agreeing with Maslow that motives are part of the personality, he is of the opinion that they are caused by environmental factors. The levels of these needs are dependent on different individuals. While some may have a higher need for achievement, others may desire affiliation or power (Armstrong, 2002; 58). Herzberg (1959) based his theory on two sets of factors extrinsic and intrinsic that were directly relating to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Extrinsic factors are referred to as hygiene or maintenance factors and they are linked to job environment, job context e.g. quality of supervision, work conditions, company policies, relationship with co-workers and level of compensation. Job dissatisfaction may occur where there are no extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors referred to as motivators or growth factors, on the other hand, relate to the job itself e.g. the complexity of work, level of importance with the organization as well as promotion opportunities. The resultant effect of intrinsic factors is a high level of job satisfaction, which according to Herzberg will prevent dissatisfaction and create a positive attitude to work (Di Cesare and Sadri, 2003; 36). Essentially, businesses should study the motivator factors and hygiene factors with a view to optimize motivation and productivity among employees (Maxwell et al, 2008; 436). Some managers hold the view that employee can be motivated to improve productivity by means of monetary incentives. The monetary scheme may be take a variety of different form example price rate, individual bonus, a team or group bonus scheme , a high pay rate system and profit sharing plan. All these have been packaged to motivate employees so as to improve on their performance. However, the general problem of monetary incentives is that they are effective in the short run but not necessary cost effective, on the other hand, money can motivate depending on the individuals need for money. Money is not an end itself but means of satisfying needs, employee remuneration proceeds high organisational productivity his for workers to be satisfied with their job, there is need to study the various motivation theories postulated by management experts. Motivation theories have series of theories, that is complementary to one another. The leading theory are listed below and summarised in table 19.1. the most significant ones are those concerned with expectancy, goal settings and equity, which are classified as process or cognitive theories. 2.2 Employee Compensation Dessler (2008) define employee compensation as all forms of pay going to employee and arising from their employment. He also stated that the compensation can be in two forms and they are direct financial payment and indirect financial payment. Direct financial payment can come in form of wages, salaries, incentives, commission and bonuses. While indirect can be in form financial benefit like employer-paid insurance and vacations. All these are strategy of remuneration, Baron A Armstrong M, give their own contribution towards the strategy of remuneration that the implication of human capital theory is that investment in people adds to their value to the firm. 2.2.1 Why should organisations compensate Employee? According to Stephen P. Robbins David A. Decenzo (2005, pg211) when an organisation design its overall compensation package, it has to look further than just an hourly wages or annual salary. It has to take into account another element, benefits. They even include that employee remuneration are non financial rewards designed to enrich employees live. This has grown a great importance in the life of an employee and a variety over the past years. Also stated that non financial reward should also put into consideration , if an employee invest their human capital into the firm they have to obtain a return not only in form of opportunity to grow and to achieve but also in terms of being valued to their employer. This authors opinion is different from other peoples opinion they include that organisation should have array of benefit such as paid time off from work, life and disability insurance, retirement programs and health insurance. While some of this benefit are been paid by both employee and employer, such benefits are retirement and health insurance. 2.3 Employee Remuneration The word Employee Remuneration to most people refer s to money and usually money is addition to wages and salaries. In fact employee in any organisation set up as an embodiment of many factors. Employee remuneration has caused effective phenomenon, one area that brings about employee remuneration is motivation of the workers In fact employee remuneration in any organisation set up embodiment of many factors. employee remuneration has caused effect phenomenon, one area that brings about employee remuneration is motivation of the workers. The organisations identified to be responsible for employee remuneration of workers are as follows: Job Enrichment Job Rotation Job Content Conducive Job Environment Equity Share in the organisation Participation in all level of decision process Positive criticism Recognition for contribution made in the organisation. Since evaluation of management professional managers and writers on management have made variety of assumption-about what would make the individual employees (workers) to be satisfied for example. The traditional (theory of organisation that a system reward and punishment should be used to elicit the desire behaviour, this is implemented through a compensation packages, based on productivity of employee example of Taylor differentiates payee system of based on the assumption that employee work out of necessity not out of love of money. Therefore this naturally led to the conclusion that money was an important factor that satisfied the workers on the job. In the late eightys (80) and ninetys (90) managers started to witness frequent encounter with workers who appeared to be suspicious of management in view of the fact that a simple solution to the problem of did not exist, in addition it may be noted that when considering some traits of workers. The understanding will provide the basic ingredient for designing and incorporating employee remunerations and strategies into the policy and objective of the organisation as it is total neglect is capable of having a great advance effect on the organisation objective especially in the long run. Reilly P. Williams T. (2006) Support that for employee remunerations to be effective HR needs the support of the top team. An unsympathetic CEO can be the a major block on getting people management issue properly on the agenda. Even when the HR director is low in the pecking order, well behind the chief financial officer information officer, the same result will occur. So HR director as a person needs to be respected by the board, executive etc. need to support and understand what HR is doing. This simply means another way for HR to motivate staff is to have a good relationship with senior management and with employees. 2.3.1 When should an employee is well remunerated? The characteristics of the job need of the individual, it is clear that there are numerous variable between people and their jobs that helps to determine their relationship. It must be noted that the concept of employee remuneration is psychological, it relates to these forces operating within individual employees. The underlying problem is therefore, that management should attempt to strike a balance so as to satisfy the interest of both the organisation and the workers. The reality of management observed that emphasis of high employee remuneration shifted away from the job itself to labour. In simplistic term, an employee organisation productivity can be define as being determined by the level and interaction between ability and motivation thus: Organisation productivity is contingent on a number of factors such as skill (liability appropriate for assigned job)motivation and role clarify (a clear understanding of assigned role). Another way that Reilly Williams T add their support to how HR activity can influence the way to manage their staff, it will be encouraging line managers to allow scope for employee involvement and space for employees to act in practical terms, that this might be supporting the consultation of staff if changes are afoot. Also it is the duty of HR to determine whether the employee is due to be reward, before the department can come to conclusion, such employee have to go through the performance appraisal process which contains three steps Define the job:- the means that the employee understand the nature of the job that he/ she has to do in the organisation and to do it to the organisation standards Appraising performance:- Dessler G defines this as comparing your subordinates actual performance as to the standard that have been set ; this usually involves some types of rating form. Feedback session:- here is the situation where two of you debate on employees performance and progress, an d make plan for any development. There various methods of appraisal methods such as graphic rating scale, Alternation ranking method, paired comparison method, forced distribution method etc. I will try and expansiate on two of this methods PAIRED COMPARISON METHOD:- this is a method whereby the two employee together in terms of quantity of work, quality of work , behaviour, how they react to work whenever they have been called, team work and so on. GRAPHIC RATING SCALE METHOD:- this method can be refer to as the simplest and what most organisation prefer to use for appraising staff performance. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK To provide the required theoretical background for the study attempt will made to review literature of motivation as a means of achieving employee remunerations. Reward Reward can be described as a way which one is been compensate what been done either good or bad, it can also be called benefit that is given to an employee or group of people in an organisation. This can be done directly or indirectly. It usually use to encourage people at work to be able to put more effort in work that need to be done. This usually done when an employee want to sign a contract with an organisation or company such employer needs to allow the employee to be fully aware what the package of the income will be per annum or hourly paid if such an employee is interest he or she is going to sign the contact form. There are two types of rewards, they are financial and non financial rewards. Financial Reward also can be refer to as an incentive which can be in form of financial reward given to an employees whose production exceed predetermined standard that is the production is beyond what the organisation expectation. This can also be in form of pay structure, incentives and benefits this three usually has it important role to play in implementing strategies in an organisation. firstly, For a high level of pay or benefits relative to that of competitors can ensure that the company attracts and retains high quality employees, but this might have a negative impact on the companys overall labour cost. Secondly, by tying pay to performance, the company can elicit specific activities and level of performance from employee. In a study of how compensation practices are tied to strategies, researchers examined 33high- tech and 72 traditional companies. They classified them by whether they were in growth stage. They found that high-tech companies in growth stage (greater than 20percent inflation- adjusted increases in annual sales) or a maturity stage. They found that high-tech companies in the growth stage used compensation systems that were highly geared towards incentive pay, with a lower percentage of total pay devoted to salary and benefits. On the other hand, compensation systems among mature companies (both high-tech and traditional)devoted a lower percentage of total pay to incentive and a high percentage to benefits. ( 2003; pg 69). Organisation believe that given an employee incentives after profit is another way of motivating an employee to put more effort to his /her work this reward can be inform of profit sharing, salary increase, Non- Financial reward 2.5 Job satisfaction you need to talk on job satisfaction Employee performance pg66 amstrong hand bk 2.6 What is Motivation Behind every behaviour there is motive, that is all behaviour is motivated, behaviour psychologist agree that what motivate individual is the satisfaction of their needs but do not develop generally acceptable clarification of needs, several theories of motivation of worker. These theories can be grouped into two major categories. The satisfaction or content theories The instrumentally theories The satisfaction or content theories assume that human beings have needs and its their desire to satisfy these needs that limitation to specific behaviours. The instrumentality or process theories are based on the assumptions of that the part which leads to a goal is influenced by the reception and values of members of the organisation. The theory of Maslow, Adeifer, Herzberg are example of theory of needs satisfaction theories. Vroom porter, Lawal and Jacque are example of instrumentality of theories. Lawal (1993), says Motivation is a persuasive function that come across all aspect of employees development, the need for motivation can be viewed from following perspectives. Qualified manpower must be attracted and maintain in organisation ton exercise Once employed workers must be motivated to exercise their time and energy in achieving the predetermined goals of the organisation. Human resources are most important factor of production in an organisation and must be maintained and developed. The reasons highlighted above suggest that the creation of conducive working environment employee remuneration are the requirement for achievement of organisation success. Hence it is necessary for manager to understand what motivate workers and how motivation influence organisation productivity. In brief, motivation is an inner state that energize activates or more directs or channel behaviour towards goals/objectives. Motivation therefore is a general term used to denotes relationship between needs and the fulfilment of needs. It is dynamic process that this five (5) parts. Deprivation, presence of need (NEEDS) Need crystal led as want (WANTS) Action, goal oriented behaviour (ACTIONS) Tension or drives to fulfil the need (DRIVES) Satisfaction of need that reduce the drive and thus create the need for re-evaluation. The above description of motivation process may not be enough to explain employees behaviour, some theories of some reckoned management writers may be needed for further clarification and explanation. Also there is two types of motivation Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation can be define as 2.8. MASLOW S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS According to Robert (1971), the best known theory of motivation was proposed by MASLOW, who hypothesized that work of every human being there exist an hierarchy of five (5) needs. According to Maslow, human beings have needs that can be arranged in hierarchy of needs, if these needs are satisfied human being will be motivated to perform however a satisfie
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