Monday, August 24, 2020
Comparative on Rock & Roll vs Rap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Relative on Rock and Roll versus Rap - Essay Example Rap culture included low-class youths, however a great deal of youngsters from working class families Both patterns had been mainstream among youngsters, yet continually dismissed by their folks as awful taste music. Rock and Roll and rap are considered as a social marvel and social change operators bringing oddity and another vision of social standards. Them two made social developments changing the mentalities of every single included: fan, performers, administrators, record organizations officials, pundits and magazine editors notwithstanding. Rock and Roll and rap influenced all parts of culture in a positive and negative manner. How individuals dress, what music they tune in to, and what they decide for diversion. The thing that matters is that rap fans were increasingly forceful towards others. This was brought about by social and social setting rap developed. The arrangement of forcefulness was significant on the grounds that rap was one of numerous different styles and needed to contend with hip-jump, rock, and so forth. It supported desire, sex, self destruction, insubordination to power, and so on.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Identity - the influence between a person and crowd Dissertation
Personality - the impact between an individual and group - Dissertation Example This proposition gives the interpretation to contemplate the issue of individual and gathering conduct according to a craftsmanship or gathering action. The perspective is the film business when all is said in done and advertising plugs specifically. Zimbardo (2010) contends that individuals frequently profoundly affect others. This impact will in general make individuals on the more extensive scale will in general carry on along lines that are like them (Ariely, 2009). In this astute, we can inspect the job of chiefs and significant stage directors who get others in a bigger group to go in a provided guidance. Knippeberd and Baaren (2009) recognize that probably the greatest ways that individuals will in general impact gatherings of individuals is however mimicry. They characterize mimicry as the procedure of intentionally or unwittingly doing what others do in a given society. Mirroring is one of the manners in which individuals learn and furthermore increase social acknowledgment. Subsequently, for example, we should check the effect of a significant star in a film or TV plug on the more extensive crowd. Will the crowds emulate the person in question? Or then again will their face and exercises change to suit their quality. This gives a premise to investigations of the connection among people and the more extensive gathering. ... Besides, what is the job of the team and creation experts in making crowd conduct among the gathering? How do the people mix into the master plan? Thirdly, does the nearness of noteworthy characters in the gathering influence distinction among individuals from the gathering? The examination inquiries above will be offered an explanation to give an all encompassing image of the primary enquiry. To this end, we will need to test a solitary speculation. A speculation is a fleeting explanation made toward the start of an examination, which is tried for its honesty or misrepresentation in the real research (Kothari, 2005). The speculation is that â€Å"lesser realized entertainers in bunches lose their independence so as to mix with the more extensive group†. In this manner, the exploration will accommodate the essential research question with the sub-inquiries so as to distinguish whether less known entertainers and on-screen characters keep their extraordinary personality in movi es and plugs or they surrender it to the gathering character. The sub-questions will give an interpretation of why the lesser realized on-screen characters surrender or hold their independence in bunch scenes. Research Positioning This area of the proposition will look at the examination report. The exploration approach will include the use of huge and center ideas of independence and gathering personality in the shooting of motion pictures and advertisements. This heading will examine significant hypotheses and a structure of cases that would be concentrated in the exploration. This will establish the pace for the conversation of the three cases that would be analyzed to reach inferences on the exploration questions and demonstrate or refute the speculation. The center idea that will be utilized in this examination is the breaking point idea of Gladwell (2000). Gladwell looked to examine the point off change from independence
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Biology PhD Application Essay Samples
Biology PhD Application Essay SamplesWhen it comes to writing an application essay for a biology PhD program, you will need to be able to write a good essay in order to compete. Even if you have the experience and qualifications that make you look like a great candidate, you may still struggle to get into the program if your essay doesn't get you passed the first hurdle. Fortunately, there are many Biology PhD application essay samples available online so that you can get some ideas to use.One of the best places to find sample essays for Biology PhD programs is on the Internet. There are many online resources that offer applications to use, including the common practice essay, the application essay sample, the interview essay, and many others. Using the sample essays will give you a good idea of what questions that will be asked of you during the interview, and you can plan how you want to answer those questions.It is important to know that the sample applications will not be perfect . The person reviewing them does not always read every word or write every word exactly as they intend. In other words, there will be mistakes in the essay.So, how do you handle this? The most important thing to remember is that when someone is judging your application, they will be judging you in a different way from when they are judging someone else. If you make sure that your essay shows that you have done your research and also show that you have written a well-written paper, you will come across more favorably in the eyes of the admissions officer.A word of caution: if you are going to write a sample essay that shows that you have done your research, it should be done in the right perspective. If you try to discuss in depth a controversial scientific theory, the admissions officer will be looking for more evidence that the theory actually exists. This will make your essay look unprofessional and less appealing.If you are still at a loss as to how to write a good Biology PhD ap plication essay, take some time to search online for other examples of essays that other people have used. You can also buy samples from a variety of websites, and you can always use what you already have as a guide. In short, the more different essays you see, the better.If you are new to this science course, you might be wondering why there is a requirement to complete all of this before you can even apply. It is actually fairly simple. The requirements vary from program to program, but all of them require that you write an application essay, or a proposal, that is both strong and interesting.Of course, if you don't meet all of the requirements for Biology PhD, you will still be able to join the program, but you will have to pay a one-time non-refundable fee. This fee will cover the materials that you will need to complete the degree, including the curriculum vitae. You will also need to find a professor to help you finish the degree, which means that you will need to apply to sev eral programs before you find a professor willing to help you.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Accounting And Discuss The Users Of Accounting Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 996 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? a) Define accounting and discuss the users of accounting. The systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions of a business. The person in charge of accounting is known as an accountant, and this individual is typically required to follow a set of rules and regulations, such as the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Accounting allows a company to analyze the financial performance of the business, and look at statistics such as net profit. There are two kind of groups who using accounting they are internal users and external users. The internal users include marketing managers, production supervisors, finance directors and company officers. And external users are investors and creditors. Investors those who are owners and they use accounting data to make a decisions to buy, hold or sell ownership shares of a company. And creditors are suppliers and bankers, they use the accounting data to evaluate the risks of granting credit or le nding money. b) Discuss ethics is financial reporting and why ethics are a fundamental business concept. a) The president Phil McNally is the stakeholder in this situation. b) Ethics refers to the moral rights and wrongs of any decision a business makes. It is a value judgment that may differ in importance and meaning between different individuals. Businesses may adopt ethical policies because they believe in them or they believe that by showing they are ethical, they improve their sales. But they cannot hide anything from the financial statement however they succeeding in the business. c) If I had this situation I will do only ethically. If I found any misstatement that over stated the net income I should report to the head of the company also I move only with the right thing. I will not do any kind of unethical thing to the business. Part III 1) Family Department Store Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2014 Net sales $735000 Cost of goo ds sold 548590 Gross profit 186410 Operating expenses 120000 Net income 66410 2) Family Department Store Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2014 Net sales $700000 Cost of goods sold 553000 Gross profit 147000 Operating expenses 92700 Net income 54300 In my opinion, Debbies strategy the net income is more than Mikes, and in Mikes plan we can see the difference between their expenses Mike had a less expenses than Debbies. Therefore, implementing both strategies to their Family Department Store will surely make their profits higher and increase their net income. Family Department Store Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2013 Net sales $735000 Cost of goods sold 548590 Gross profit 186410 Operating expenses 92700 Net income $9371 Part IV Chapter 10 communication Activity BYP10-5 The advantages of bonds over common stock financing are three basic advantages. Bondholders do not have voting rig hts; owners can raise capital with bonds and still maintain corporate control. Also, bonds are attractive to corporations because the cost of bond interest is tax-deductible. As a result of this tax treatment, which stock dividends do not offer; bonds may result in lower cost of capital than equity financing. Although bond interest expense reduces net income, earnings per share on common stock often is higher under bond financing because of no additional shares of common stock are issued. When it comes to the types of bonds that might be used one can look at the following: Secured and unsecured bonds which have specific assets of the issuer pledged as collateral for the bonds (they include mortgage bond, sinking fund bond, debenture bonds). Term and serial bonds; bonds that mature at a single specified future date are term bonds, and bonds that mature in installments are serial bonds. Registered and bearer bonds; bonds which are issued in the name of the owner are registered bond s, while those that are not registered are bearer or coupon bonds. Finally, convertible and callable bonds; while bonds that can be converted into common stock at the bondholders option are convertible bonds. Bonds that the issuing company can retire a at a stated dollar amount prior to maturity are callable bonds. When respect to the issuing procedures used in bond transactions one must know that in authorizing the bond issue, the board of directors must stipulate the number of bonds to be authorized, total face value, and contractual interest rate. The face value is amount of principal the issuing company must pay at the maturity date. The contractual interest or the stated rate is the rate used to determine the amount of cash interest the borrower pays and the investor receives. Also, the terms of the bond issue are indicated in a legal document called a bond indenture, which states the rights and terms of bondholders and trustees. Moreover, issuing company arranges for the pr inting of bond certificates. Part.V Page 51 IFRS 1-1 through 1-4 IFRS 1-1 The key players are the Securities and Exchange Commission, which is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the securities industry and has oversight responsibility for the FASB; the Financial Accounting Standards Board, an independent body that establishes and interprets U.S. GAAP; and the IASB, which is working with the FASB on the convergence of U.S. GAAP and IFRS. The AICPA has provided thought leadership to the IASB and the FASB on financial reporting topics. IFRS1-2 Page 217 IFRS 4-1 through IFRS 4-4 IFRS4-1In IFRS requires separation of current and noncurrent assets and liabilities. And in case of GAAP it recommends separation of current and noncurrent assets and liabilities. IFRS4-2The terms that commonly used under IFRS are Balance sheet, income statement, changes in equity, cash flow statement and footnotes. IFRS4-3-Current Asset Cash 15400 +Short term Inv smt -6700 Accounts Receivable-12500 Prepaid Insurance -3600 Total current assets=38200 Part VI Interview Name George Jose Company name JK trades Job title and responsibilities- Accountant, keep recording the daily business transactions How accounting information is used by selective individual- Major in college-CPA Job satisfactio Perception of job stability- Opportunities for the growth- Student response-he is very smart and he is very confident to do his work with responsible. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Accounting And Discuss The Users Of Accounting Finance Essay" essay for you Create order
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Ghetto Of A Caste System - 1630 Words
America would like to believe that we do not live in a caste system but if asked anyone living in the inner city would say otherwise. A class system exists that is built on individual’s achievements but elements of a caste system are certainly practiced in the United States. Power and wealth is distributed amongst only 1 percent of the U.S population, therefore, their wealth is inherited from generation to generation, segregated from the rest of the population. Consequently, the ghetto poor families living in the inner city are the most alienated class of people in the city. They are racially and socially discriminated against and are segregated within a close opportunity structure similarly in a caste system. Urban Sociologist Harvey†¦show more content†¦They do not get locked up for minor violations of the law. Wealth is measured by assets such as properties, bonds, savings, and checking accounts minus debts and these assets provide a sense of privilege that can last for generations. For example, the name Kennedy is an asset because the name can open so many opportunities for a Kennedy even if they are not worthy of the opportunity. One of the biggest inequalities in the inner city is property inequality. People in the inner city cannot afford to own any property of their own and if they manage to own a home their mortgage loan is higher than their white counterpart due to â€Å"predatory lending practices in the United States†. (Massey and Rough) People in the inner city were identified and exploited by these banks by providing these loans they knew they could not afford. (Porter) According to Wilson and Wacquant, there is a cost that is associated with racial and class exclusion in the inner city. People are subjected to â€Å"poverty, social disruptions, degradation of public housing and public schools†. Since the system itself is designed for its citizens to fail by providing little to no resources, people are left to cope with social, economical, political, and cultural inequality. These issues play a role on the overall perspective of an individual. People are the sum of their experiences and when these experiences are accompanied by hardship all their lives they tend to cope by doing drugs and alcohol to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Non-Cognitivists vs. Moral Realism Free Essays
Cognitive sentences are those that are dependent to facts and readily have or consist of truth values, such as true and false. Non-Cognitive Sentences constitutes statements which are independent of facts and are cannot be assumed to have a truth value. In this regards, statements such as â€Å"Girelle is stands about five feet and five inches tall†and â€Å"the vase is red†are statements which falls under the Cognitive division. We will write a custom essay sample on Non-Cognitivists vs. Moral Realism or any similar topic only for you Order Now While statements like â€Å"keep quiet†and â€Å"you must not lie†corresponds to Non-cognitive statements.(Marturano 2006, 1) According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy, Non-cognitive holds that moral properties otherwise known as moral facts do not exist. This means that moral statements are statements that can neither be true or false or simply these statements do not contain any truth condition. Moral sentiments are merely â€Å"approval or disapproval†expressions more akin to wishes and aspirations that are seldom associated with emotions than to cognitive â€Å"state of mind†such as beliefs or ideas. Moral Realism on the other hand holds that moral statements were actually reports of factual actions or ideas that are always true or real or existing. ( Sayre-McCord 2005, 1) Non-cognitivist argues that moral statements have no truth conditions in such case that their predicate was merely moral utterances or sentiments that neither have truth or falsity. It does not tell anything about its subject that could prove its truthfulness. In a sense, moral sentiments are meaningless and remain to be mere expressions. They further argue that moral statements were emotive, prescriptive and motivational that cannot be classified as either true or false (Ayer 1936, 28-55) .Non-moral statements on the other hand can express beliefs and ideas that can be evaluated as either true or false (Blackburn 1984, 12-25). Thus the Non-Cognitivist holds that since moral claims are non-cognitive statements, they do not contain any descriptive sentence and are therefore not describing anything at all which means that they do not contain factual statements and are not asserting anything.(Railton 1986, 4-6) The Non-cognitivist believes that normative claims are not valid of any logic since they cannot be true or false. According to Ayer, as quoted in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, â€Å"ethical claims are comprised of pseudo concepts which merely convey commands or feelings and do not contain any meaning (Marturano 2006, 1). Ethical statements remains important or significant because it is being use to persuade other people most specifically the receiver to perform or act in a certain way. In such case, ethical claims can be debated or can cause several disagreements and agreements but it can never comprise a logical understanding or reach any rational conclusion because normative claims cannot express the truth value of the statement. Thus, logical laws or basic rules of logic are inapplicable to moral statements (Hooker 1996, 3-5). By being a non-cognitivist, a person can deal with more relevant questions concerning reality. For instance, instead of dealing with the question of truthfulness of the statement â€Å"abortion should not be permissible†, people would be more focused on assessing the claim with respect to its effect or to its general utility. If abortion is done what would be its effect, thus basing the judgment on the factual outcome and not on mere assumption. To make this point clearer, consider the statement â€Å"genocide is wrong†, since it does not express any truth value, its assessment or its continuation would depend on its result. Non-cognitivism, by removing the truth value of normative statements has ended the dispute regarding the reality of an objective moral code or morality. This paved the way for moral relativism which favors the variation of moral codes in the different parts of the worlds at different times. This results to more respect to different cultures and traditions across national and ethnic boundaries. By denoting that moral statements are merely expression of approval/disapproval or sentiments, the non-cognitivist have also succeed in emphasizing the reason why there have been different reactions among different people regarding a certain moral issue. The varying reason as to why and how people view things differently. It also shows that moral statements cannot be true or false, thus they cannot be use to persuade other people in doing this or that. Moral realism on the other hand purports that moral statements is either true or false. The moral claim, â€Å"abortion is wrong†is either true or false. If this will be the case, there would be fixed moral codes that should apply to everyone else or at least every rational person in the planet. Yet, the relativity and subjectivity of moral statements seems to contradict the moral realist position because in different countries there were differing view regarding this matter and this is something that is prevalent in the reality in which we lived in. People does not agree on the same moral issue, most often they would argue differently depending on their position, biases, outlook, experiences and so on. The reason why I agree that â€Å"abortion is wrong†would be very different from your or his or her reason. In moral realism, people would continue to argue and debate over claims fruitlessly. In the end they would come up with a conclusion that is not far from being the decision of the â€Å"majority†. If moral realism are right in asserting that moral statements expresses truth value, then what people, specially influential and powerful ones would do is to persuade other people into believing that their statement is the right and whatever that contradicts their statement and purpose are wrong. Moral realism maintains that there can be â€Å"objective moral values†which contradicts the Non-cognitivist claims. However, moral realist failed to account what constitute the objective moral facts (Shafer-Landau 2005). They argued that â€Å"death penalty is wrong†can be accounted as either true or false simply because they believed that it is the same as any cognitive statement such as â€Å"it is dark†. Moral realist cannot prove that â€Å"death penalty is wrong is in fact true†for it differs from people’s opinion, perspectives and desire. There is no factual evidence that could actually prove that it is true (Stevenson1944, 15). The reality of the existence of moral facts is inaccessible to scientific inquiry and cannot be observed directly through our senses without appeal to our emotions, sentiments or feelings. References: Ayer, A. J. 1936. Language, Truth and Logic. London: Gollancz Blackburn, S. 1984. Spreading the Word. Oxford: Clarendon Hare R. M. 1997. Sorting Out Ethics. Oxford: O.U.P. Hooker, Brad. 1996. Truth In Ethics. Oxford. Kim, Shin. 2006. Moral Realism. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Marturano, Anotonio. 2006. Non-Cognitivism in Ethics. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.  Railton, Peter. 1986. Moral Realism: The Philosophical Review. Vol. 95, No. 2 (Apr.,), pp. 163-207 Sayre-McCord, Geoff. 2005. Moral Realism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved on September 20, 2007. Retrieved from the World Wide Web:  Shafer-Landau, Russ. June 15, 2005. Moral Realism: A Defense.  USA: Oxford University Press Stevenson, C.L. 1944. Ethics and Language. New Haven: Yale U.P How to cite Non-Cognitivists vs. Moral Realism, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Management Challenges for the St 21 Century free essay sample
Historically, the Holy Grail of management was there’s a right way to manage people and if you follow that, everything will work out fine. While this sounds enticing, it is totally at odds with reality. The focus should not be on managing people it should be centered on getting people to work together to produce more results than they could have by working alone. That requires leadership rather than management. 4. Management policy and strategy should focus exclusively on customer values and distribution of their disposable income rather than being technology- or market segment- based.In the last century, industries formed around new technologies to serve a well defined set of end users. In the next century, new technologies will emerge that will impact a broad number of industries and thus significantly changing the target markets. In the new environment, customer values and customer preferences (particularly in relation to the allocation of disposable income) become far more decisive factors than technologies or customer demographics. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Challenges for the St 21 Century or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 5. The scope of management is not limited solely to the organization itself, but should address the entire process by which added value is delivered to to consumers.From that broader perspective, many operational issues, including the possibility of strategic alliances and other synergy adding activities, come under the direct attention of managers rather than being left to chance. 6. National boundaries are now considered as important logistical constraints that must be managed rather than political boundaries the organization must be structured around. Few companies now organize themselves in domestic and international units. More and more companies organize themselves as transnationals, where individual tasks are organized company wide rather than country wide. 7.There is now a blurring of the lines between management and entrepreneurship. Most entrepreneurs realize without management skills, they will not succeed. Similarly, most managers know that unless they innovate, they will be overtaken by competitors. Thus, instead of having managers that focus on internal issues, most organizations expect their current generation of managers to concern themselves with how best to use the resources available to achieve external results in the broader marketplace. And, the new paradigm is to hold managers directly responsible for how the organization performs in the marketplace.Key Thoughts ‘‘Basic assumptions about reality are the paradigms of a social science, such as management. They are usually held subconsciously by the scholars, the writers, the teachers, the practitioners in the field. Yet those assumptions largely determine what the discipline assumes to be reality. For a social discipline such as management, the assumptions are actually a good deal more important than are the paradigms for a natural science. The paradigm that is, the prevailing general theory has no impact on the natural universe. A social universe has no natural laws. It is thus subject to continuous change.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Free Essays on Opposition To The New Deal
Opposition To The New Deal When Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President of the United States of America (USA) in March 1933, he had done so with a landslide victory over Herbet Hoover. Roosevelt took action to bring about immediate economic relief especially to those most affected by the Great Depression as well as reforms in industry through a series of ‘alphabet agencies’. The New Deal was effective to a great extent after implementation, yet it did have its critics. Roosevelt was largely accused of inappropriate government expenditure, economic interference in bigger businesses and not fully considering the programs prior to their implementation. Roosevelt’s most notable critics were Senator Huey Long, Dr Francis Townsend and Father Charles Coughlin. All of these individuals, however, displayed a certain inferiority when compared with the Supreme Court. Much of the New Deal legislation was enacted within the first three months of Roosevelt’s presidency. His first objective was to alleviate the suffering of the nation’s huge number of unemployed workers. Such agencies as the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) were established to dispense emergency and short-term governmental aid. Opposed to the traditional American political philosophy of laissez-faire, the New Deal generally embraced the concept of government-regulated economy aimed at achieving balance among conflicting economic interests. However Roosevelt met criticism from many people through out his imposition of the New Deal, especially when old antagonisms between the Democrats and Republicans emerged. Specific opposition came from three people in particular, Huey Long, Francis Townsen... Free Essays on Opposition To The New Deal Free Essays on Opposition To The New Deal Opposition To The New Deal When Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President of the United States of America (USA) in March 1933, he had done so with a landslide victory over Herbet Hoover. Roosevelt took action to bring about immediate economic relief especially to those most affected by the Great Depression as well as reforms in industry through a series of ‘alphabet agencies’. The New Deal was effective to a great extent after implementation, yet it did have its critics. Roosevelt was largely accused of inappropriate government expenditure, economic interference in bigger businesses and not fully considering the programs prior to their implementation. Roosevelt’s most notable critics were Senator Huey Long, Dr Francis Townsend and Father Charles Coughlin. All of these individuals, however, displayed a certain inferiority when compared with the Supreme Court. Much of the New Deal legislation was enacted within the first three months of Roosevelt’s presidency. His first objective was to alleviate the suffering of the nation’s huge number of unemployed workers. Such agencies as the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) were established to dispense emergency and short-term governmental aid. Opposed to the traditional American political philosophy of laissez-faire, the New Deal generally embraced the concept of government-regulated economy aimed at achieving balance among conflicting economic interests. However Roosevelt met criticism from many people through out his imposition of the New Deal, especially when old antagonisms between the Democrats and Republicans emerged. Specific opposition came from three people in particular, Huey Long, Francis Townsen...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Practice in Punctuating Adjective Clauses
Practice in Punctuating Adjective Clauses After reading the article on Subordination With Adjective Clauses, review the guidelines below and then complete the punctuation exercise that follows. Guidelines for Punctuating Adjective Clauses These three guidelines should help you decide when to set off an adjective clause (also called a relative clause) with commas: Adjective clauses beginning with that are never set off from the main clause with commas. Food that has turned green in the refrigerator should be thrown away. Adjective clauses beginning with who or which should not be set off with commas if omitting the clause would change the basic meaning of the sentence. Students who turn green should be sent to the infirmary. Because we dont mean that all students should be sent to the infirmary, the adjective clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence. For this reason, we dont set off the adjective clause with commas.Adjective clauses beginning with who or which should be set off with commas if omitting the clause would not change the basic meaning of the sentence. Last weeks pudding, which has turned green in the refrigerator, should be thrown away. Here the which clause provides added but not essential information, and so we set it off from the rest of the sentence with commas. Practice in Punctuating Adjective Clauses In the following sentences, add commas to set off adjective clauses that provide additional, but not essential, information. Dont add commas if the adjective clause affects the basic meaning of the sentence. When youre done, compare your answers with those on page two. Caramel de Lites which are cookies sold by the Girl Scouts contain 70 calories each.These are the times that try mens souls.I refuse to live in any house that Jack built.I left my son at the campus day-care center which is available to all full-time students with young children.Students who have young children are invited to use the free day-care center.A physician who smokes and overeats has no right to criticize the personal habits of her patients.Gus who gave Merdine a bouquet of ragweed has been exiled to the storm cellar for a week.Professor Legree lost his only umbrella which he has owned for 20 years.Healthy people who refuse to work should not be given government assistance.Felix who was once a hunter in the Yukon stunned the roach with one blow from a newspaper. Answers to Adjective Clauses Questions Caramel de Lites, which are cookies sold by the Girl Scouts, contain . . ..(no commas)(no commas)Â . . . day-care center, which is available to all full-time students with young children.(no commas)(no commas)Gus, who gave Merdine a bouquet of ragweed, has . . ... . . umbrella, which he has owned for 20 years.(no commas)Felix, who was once a hunter in the Yukon, stunned . . ..
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Human Cloning and Its Consequences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human Cloning and Its Consequences - Essay Example Human cloning is also wrong for other reasons, one of them being that human clones might have their bodies harvested for body parts and/or human organs. Then they would be left for dead. We must remember that every person has a soul and a spirit. People should not be grown like oranges on a tree. There has been talk about, indeed, cloning people in order to harvest their organs for one’s clone. This is not only morally reprehensible, but also ethically wrong. How one could even consider raising a human, only to use the human’s body parts for another humanâ€â€is almost inconceivable. It is possible, but why would any forward-thinking individual want to do something like that? Not only is it a moral lapse, but it would also be a societal lapse as well. The value of human life would be reduced to what a human could provide in terms of body parts and/or organs for another human being. That is absolutely disgusting, not to mention wrong. Human cloning has no place in our society. Perhaps someday, people might have more of a vested interest in seeing their clone produce body parts or even organs which they might be able to harvest for themselves. This is not only ethically dangerous but morally backwards. Cloning has no place in our society because we do not want people who look just like us, talk just like us, and, in shortâ€â€make a mockery of the human race. Everyone is an individual, and even clones would have their own personalities, even if their bodies were to be identical to the people being cloned. It has come to the attention of a one Dr. Gregory Pence that such research is necessary in order to foment the research field in ethical medical bioengineering. As a medical doctor, he can see many reasons for why people should indeed embrace cloning in all its forms. However, when Dr. Ruth Macklin presents her ideas as to why she feels that cloning would not be a good idea, her rationale seems to make much more logical sense as to why we sho uldn’t clone humans. In his book Medical Ethics, Dr. Penceâ€â€a seemingly ethical biomedical doctor argues in favor of cloning, noting that it is not something of which one should be afraid.2 Of course, the idea of cloning people is not an entirely new one, but we must take into account the risks and the problematization of human existence. We already know that stem cell experiments are taking place, so the question remains, â€Å"What next?†How far will we have to fall as a society for us to realize that cloning is immoral and wrong? It may not be easy to convince those who are persuaded by scientific research that cloning is the way to goâ€â€the wave of the future, if one will. It will not be easy to convince those who are insistent upon the fact that there is nothing wrong with cloningâ€â€when the ethical scruples are staring us in the face. How is it going to be possible to clone people ethically? It just doesn’
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Anglia Local News Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Anglia Local News Assignment - Essay Example (Gillan2010) Also unlike the traditional host, it is the provider who manages the service implying that the consumer only has to have a computer and internet to access the service. Another feature of cloud is that it can be private or public. A public cloud is offered (sold) to anyone via the internet whereas a private cloud refers to a proprietary network that is only provides to a limited group of individuals. Whether one goes for the private or public cloud, the goal is to render scalable computing services. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) refers to a model whereby cloud providers deliver and control Information technology resources such as storage, computation and network capacity. (Blokdijk & Menken 2009) By this, cloud providers own, manage, render as well as distribute Information technology resources more effectively and conveniently to their subscribers. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) This refers to a set of software and development tools provided by a cloud vendor as a hosted infrastructure. Through this developers can be able to create applications running on the provider’s platform via the internet. (Blokdijk & Menken 2009) Platform-as-a-Service providers may use AP1s, web portals as well as gateways that are installed in a client’s computer. Examples of PaaS are GoogleApps and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) This refers to a model in which the vendor provides the hardware and software infrastructure as well as the software product that interacts with the user through a front-end portal. The range of services provided by SaaS is very broad. Examples of this include We-based Mail, database processing as well as inventory control. (Blokdijk & Menken 2009) Because the applications and the data resides with the host provides it enables the services to be accessible from anywhere. Benefits of cloud services By adopting cloud computing, some of the benefits an organization would accrue as would inc lude the following: First, cloud computing saves time. This is because by an organization relying on using installed software’s to meet their needs they stand the chance of spending more time procuring, mastering and managing their programs. (Velte & Robert 2009) However a business saves time upon adopting cloud since some cloud vendors offer software as a service, hence an organization is spared the inconvenience of managing their programs. Secondly a business stands fewer chances of glitches upon cloud adoption. This is because services offered through cloud require few versions. Therefore there is less upgrades needed and it becomes easy to implement considering the fact it is the cloud providers who implement this. (Velte & Robert 2009) Also considering the fact that most businesses incur problems in integrating software with other similar applications which makes it hard to share data, cloud enables user to integrate applications such as management systems, emails and of fice applications reducing cases of productivity glitches. It has also been known that cloud promotes conservation of the environment. This is considering the fact that personal computers only utilize 10 to 20 percent of the capacity; this implies there is a large percentage in energy waste. Therefore by pooling resources in cloud based systems there is energy savings on the life extended by personal computers. Another great advantage of the cloud is increased access
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Role Guilt Plays in Franz Kafkas The Trial Essay -- European Lite
What is guilt? Is Josef K. guilty? What is he guilty of? All of these questions come to mind when you read The Trial by Franz Kafka, but they are not easily answered. The question of guilt is a theme that runs through the entire novel, and it serves to enlighten the reader as to what, I believe, Kafka is trying to say. So what is Kafka trying to say? If one looks at the opening sentence, in the light of the rest of the novel, I believe that it helps to clue us into Kafka's message. The fact that K. believes he has not done "anything truly wrong" (3) harkens back to the question of guilt. So because K. feels he is not fully guilty of anything, why is he hounded by the law? This is where the main theme of the book comes into play in my opinion. Kafka wants us to recognize, with the help of the opening sentence, that K. has done something wrong: he has lived an unexamined life dominated by routine, normalcy, and other people. This is what K. is guilty of. Is living an unexamined life "truly wrong?" I think that Kafka is arguing that it is wrong because by leading that type of life one is merely walking through life blind and not reaching our full potential. The first inkling of the fact that K. lives his life with blinders on, focused merely on the day to day, is his lack of recognition about a number of things. He does not know if he might have committed some minor infraction for which he is now being arrested. He does not realize that the guards are men that work at the bank with him. Later on his way to the court for the first time he makes the realization that he noticed something he normally would not have. All these things point to the fact that K. just goes about his business and day to day affairs with out care for his su... ...comes quite evident. Kafka is calling for all of humanity to stand up and take control of their own lives. Through self-examination, Kafka believes, that we can come to terms with some personal truth that gives this life meaning. For years people have looked to worldly and spiritual vehicles to find meaning, Kafka is urging that we instead turn inside to within and find something in our own humanity that gives this life meaning. Much like Goethe, Kafka believes our free will is what makes us human, and the exercise of free will is what makes or lives truly meaningful. So, do not rely on the whims of the governing or even the church; make your own decisions. Kafka urges to decide every day how you are going to live your life and then do it because you never know when the Day of Judgment may come. Works Cited Kafka, Franz. The Trial. New York: Schocken Books, 1998.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Belief Systems: Self Uniqueness Meets Religion
In noting one’s particular belief or belief system, it is important to establish that this system of beliefs must not necessarily collide with or fit into one of society’s major organized, historical, cultural, and traditional religions, such as Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam.Every person’s unique belief system is different from person to person, even within these larger religious groups, and my own personal beliefs, although able to be described as religious, must not certainly be so described, as each person is definitely unique and learns about life and creates one’s beliefs based on a multitude of personal lifelong and complex experiences, sources, and associations.In addition to the uniqueness of belief varying from individual to individual based upon the differences in self and environment by which a person moves through life, there is also the element of mental assimilation and accommodation as an ongoing process which needs to be viewed in full consideration. If beliefs change based upon knowledge obtained or formed and events experienced, even also in the biology of the person, then the movement of a person through time and development must also be considered.No person, place, situation, or belief system is static, rather it evolves and morphs with the colorful variation and change of humanity on a grand scale as well as on an individual scale. The uniqueness and changeability of the universe from day to day lends insight into the uniqueness and changeability of personal views. This is not to say that there are not beliefs and truths which are more constant or reliable, however, one must be ready to adapt these more constant truths to modern human society, which is always in flux.One belief, out of the hundreds or thousands interrelating ones which I probably have, is the unnecessary nature of school and educational institutions in general. Although this belief may change in time, as of this moment, I see forced s chooling as being a ridiculous concept, as are all forced or mandatory activities which strip the individual of free choice.My belief in unschooling, best illustrated by John Holt’s theories and the Unschooling. info website, basically suggests that each person should be free to live and learn on one’s own terms, handing over the precious responsibility of self direction in education to parents and their children, and rightly stripping from the hands of the government and other agencies towing the line of forced education, learning, or belief structures.If one must characterize this belief of mine in unschooling as being religious in the sense that it is practiced or believed regularly, then it is right to acknowledge that my belief in and positive regard of unschooling has been fairly regular and constant for the past several years, and I find affirmation in the stories of other people who also share my beliefs. I subscribe to groups, learn from online resources, and mingle with individuals who share this belief system.The belief I have in unschooling is rooted primarily in my dissatisfaction with other people telling me what to do from day to day for so long in my life, the primary group of which were teachers and professors in schools and universities. Unschooling, to me, is the perfect way to live life and raise children, offering learning and education as a self owned right, protecting the basic right to freedom of thought, for oneself and one’s children.I aim to support and encourage myself and others in so far as possible striving to embrace beliefs, learning, and thinking as a basic right of human life from conception to death, taking the primary role of learner securely back into the realm of the individual and out of the hands of overlords. Unschooling family members support themselves and one another in lifelong learning which naturally springs forth from both random and purposeful self directed experiences and choices.There are no topics or subtopics or interrelated topics which cannot be learned from a huge variety of sources and in a huge variety of ways. In is well worth time for universities and schools to reconsiders the musts of their students and for individuals to recognize that learning is their right and under their own control.Perhaps testing for knowledge or job readiness is appropriate when working with others, however, a diploma or a degree is not necessarily an adequate mark of what is learned, nor is it an adequate mark of what knows in comparison to others without diplomas and degrees. Mostly, it proves one jumped through other people’s hoops and paid a lot of money. So far, I haven’t had any disadvantages to having this belief system, which, supposedly, could be termed as a religious belief, and the advantages are always new, evolving, and ever springing, it seems.Spending time with my children would be a benefit, as do traditional homeschooling mothers, learning and helpin g my children to learn on our own terms and in our own ways is certainly a benefit, and liberation of thought from the mechanical systems of education is also a great plus. The perceived downsides which other people may hold but which I do not share is that unschooling requires time and energy for parents of young children, unschooling prevents full time or out of home work for one or both parents, and parents are unqualified to help their own children to learn.In disputing these what I view to be false downsides, I have to claim the belief that I think spending time and energy on children is absolutely fabulous and to be cherished, that of course children need the constant or near constant presence of the mother or other caregiver and that families can choose to support and encourage this, and that parents are very much qualified to teach their own children. Who else should be the primary judges of what people think and belief, of how they live their lives?If government or the stat e is apt to be selected as the answer to that question, then we may very well kiss individuality and the right to personal thought goodbye and swirl into the darkness of force and socialism. The role of tradition in religion in general to keep a group of people together in what they do and how they do things, how they express their beliefs, primarily in God. Traditions in religion such as going to mass at church on Sunday are similar to the weekly unschooling groups of individuals and families at the park.People need community support in what they do and what they believe, on a very basic level, so that one doesn’t feel isolated and alone. Traditions are fairly regular ministrations of keeping beliefs and ideas alive through purposeful actions. The best thing that I can do in keeping alive the traditions of unschooling is to continue to be active within this society or culture of people, sharing my experiences and beliefs as regularly as necessary through purposeful actions w hich support and encourage my way of life.Contributing to groups through conversations and literature are ways in which I can stay connected, either in person or through the virtual online world. It is very important to know what the beliefs of others are, both to keep one’s mind open to new ideas as well as to diplomatically handle differences of opinion and belief when interacting with people who do not share all or most or even a few of the same beliefs as oneself does. It is very often that people differ in opinions and beliefs, and it would even be safe to assume that no two people on this Earth do in fact share all of the same beliefs.Having two identical minds on one planet seems near to impossible, given the varied and colorful lifestyles and experiences, places and regions, times and spaces, wherein one’s individual point of view springs forth. Although it can be difficult to interact with people who are strictly aligned with a highly structured and formal bel ief system, it can also be difficult to interact with people who are flip and find not much purpose in any beliefs whatsoever.To me, a good balance point is knowing what one believes, knowing that beliefs are flexible, and being able to converse on an appropriately calm level about any and all posed ideas with others, unless one wishes to opt out of the conversation or proposed idea, which is also quite ok. References Unschooling. info. (2009). Retrieved on 3/1/09 from http://unschooling. info.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Music history - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2078 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Introduction As much as music is a universal thing, it is so subjective and relative such that to one person it may be music but to another person it may not be. This therefore complicates the whole issue of the origin of music, which most people speculate to be from those early ages, yet they cannot specially say the dates. In the same way, music is a depiction of art, emotions, culture and ideology of a specific society at a certain period and the styles of music, the sounds and the instruments that accompany it keep on evolving as the society evolves. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Music history" essay for you Create order The basic element of music, which is indispensable when people are dancing, is rhythm. Therefore, a dance is always accompanied by a certain rhythm that most probably guides the dancers’ styles and speed of body movement. This therefore means that music and dance are great partners from the early history of human life. In the corner of everyday life, there lurks music of all forms. For instance, any blow on objects like shell whistle, reeds, and bamboos produce some moan. To some extent, the wind also does that when in high speed, producing some kind of rhythm. However, the most outstanding the human voice that has the ability to delightfully go up and down at his/her will. There are several periods of historical music and how it evolved as discussed below. Beginning with pre-historic music, the earliest form of music was majorly based on natural instruments that were readily available in those days like sticks, rocks, hones, reeds among others. These simplest forms of music are assumed to be used when the people were performing religious ceremonies like animal sacrifice and others. However, there is no writing or notations of such kind of music but it can only be extrapolated from the music of native Africans and red Indians in America who still perform such kind of religious practices and embrace those ancient songs. The evolution of instruments of music was very slow but steady in the early years. However, it is suggested that the voice of man was probably the first instrument of music when he wanted to imitate the nature’s rhythm or to get along with the ancient rituals. This was followed steadily by the clapping of hands or heating two objects together just to supplement the rhythm of the voice. Ancient music is a name g iven to the music produced at the times when writing begun to develop among the humans. Therefore, the development of writing helped record musical practices and thus helping us know the invention of music notation system, and the record of the instruments of this period. The more elaborate form of early music can be traced to the civilization of the Greeks who drew much from the Egyptian and the Mesopotamian culture. Arguably, by the time of Greek’s emergence on the historical stage, these two ancient civilization had made several inventions of most musical instruments for families like strings, reeds, drums, flutes and brass. During this early period, music had basically two major roles in the society of man: entertainment and ceremony like social, religious or civic. The most popular instruments to the Greeks at this time were the aulos, which looked like a bow and the lyre, which looked like a harp. The view of Greek philosophers on music was that it was the harmony under lying the universe and some added an argument that music performance has an influence on the behavior of man. The knowledge of music in the bible if mostly referred to the culture and traditions of the Israelites. The music and religion Historian named Leckyer Herbert says that both vocal and instrumental music in the bible were cultivated among the Hebrews and it is evidenced in the writings of the bible. Therefore, the Old Testament is a revelation of the devotion of God’s people through the practice of music as it is held in the prophetic books of the bible. Even the prophets of the bible were themselves musicians like Miriam the prophetess took her tambourine during the Exodus and led the women in dance, song, and celebration for the Lord’s triumph over the Egyptians. King soul also comes to an encounter with prophets of the sanctuary who gave prophecies while accompanied by instruments. Additionally, the bible quotes Ezekiel the prophet as a person with a very beautiful voice played an instrument perfectly well. In the same way, King David performed religious music because he wrote the book of Psalms full of religious songs and messages that are sung up to date. The study of ancient biblical music has been majorly on the instruments of Israelites and Palestine. From the data of archeologists, it is clearly demonstrated that music was one of the basic things of life in the ancient Israeli community. This therefore means that even during the biblical times as it is recorded, music was used to communicate important messages apart from being used as a worship and entertainment. Moreover, it is during the Middle Ages that the tradition of western music begun due to the developments in the social and religious status in Europe. Due to the domination of the Catholic Church in this period, the most prevalent form of music was the sacred music. However, it was during the 12th century that organum music developed from sacred music and performed in Paris. There was a fluorescent of secular music by the French people and the period culminated until the genius western secular music was composed. The Christian church of this period derived their music styles and hymns from the already existing Jewish religion. In a certain time during the 9th century, the musicians’ theorists in the church tried a new style of music through experimentation when they simultaneously sang tow melodic lines in parallel intervals. Music also went through an era known as the renaissance period. In the renaissance period of music, the vocal type was more preferred as compared to the instrumental music. The instrumental music was not commonly applicable and hence there was scarcity of instruments. The composers of the songs in this era were writing music with a great aim of giving a clear meaning of their emotions[footnoteRef:6]. Music hence helped to pass important information to the community as well as illustrating the moods. This is what made the music during this period to emotional. The emotional part of the music is brought out by the accompaniment of the moods in the song. The sound of the music was quite high in this era. This came as a result of the involvement of the bass register in the composing of the song. Music by this time was gaining popularity. The main reason as to why music was gaining such popularity is the emergence of the printing press which assisted in circulating the music copies after composing. The number of music composers increased and people were now being taught on music techniques. Music composers were now found in many plac es like churches, towns, and court. This assisted in the growth of the church choir. Due to the growth of music, the music composers had gained high status in the community and attracted a better pay for their work. One of the ages of music was the Baroque age which consisted mainly of music which expressed one mood throughout the entire piece of the song. The mood was easily noticed through the musical expressions and behaviors of the composer. The mood was expressed through musical language. The music could be accompanied by varying emotions but all the emotions were just circulating on one type of mood. The main reason for the maintenance of a single mood is the availability of continuity of rhythm through the entire piece of the song[footnoteRef:8]. The baroque music had the terraced dynamics, which were clearly seen when the dynamics were maintained for a while, and then a sudden change in them is done. The demand for music had now gone high again and the music composers were to write many new songs, as the listeners were not interested in listening to that old music. The court musicians were most valued and paid more than those from the church. People usually became musicians more than tho se from the church did. People usually became musicians mainly through inheritance and apprenticeship. Children were really trained on the methods of composing music. Before one could become a musician, he or she was to pass certain tests. The music also went ahead to another level known as the classical period. At this age, music differed with the Baroque age in that it was accompanied by different moods. The moods of the music could be changing in a slow and well-defined manner or even a sudden change depending on the composer. In order to engage the audience involvement, the music was accompanied by crescendo as well as decrescendo styles[footnoteRef:9]. The piano was now commonly used because of its ability to change dynamics easily. The composers of this era started making control of their composing rather than composing songs as per the expectations of the people. There emerged rich class of people who played a role in enlarging the music sector. Many people were now interested in their children being taught music lessons in the schools. [9: Bennett, Dawn Elizabeth. Understanding the classical music profession: The past, the present and           strategies for the future. Ashga te Publishing, Ltd., 2013.] The other period of the music industry was romantic period. The romantic period was accompanied by different emotions of the different composers. Due to this reason every composer had a different and a unique style of performance. Being romantic, this kind of music was accompanied a lot of emotions. The music could usually be composed in two different styles. One of the styles is the nationalism. Nationalism saw the composers composing songs in the style of their homeland. The other style was the exoticism. This style was characterized by the composers composing songs to match foreign land[footnoteRef:10]. There mainly existed a type of music called the program music. This kind of music was composed to illustrate a certain event, story or a scene. One of the main program composers was Hector Berlioz. The composers used ranging dynamics which ran from pppp to ffff. The composers also introduced new instruments in their composing. One of the main instrument which was introduced was the piccolo. In this era, the composers ceased from being employed and started composing songs on their own base. Many homes were interested in music and purchased musical instruments mainly the piano. [10: Kelly, Gary. English Fiction of the Romantic Period 1789-1830. Routledge, 2016. The music then went ahead to another step known as the twentieth century. In this era, the tone color was very crucial and many techniques were now applied. The composers of the songs used many percussive instruments. Some of these instruments which were used include the glissando as well as the down the scale. In this era, songs were composed with the exemption of the traditional tone system. The rhythmic patterns were expanded in this type of music[footnoteRef:11]. Different types of rhythms were combined in one song through the involvement of different sections of composers at a time. Music had now become very popular as a result of the available radio broadcasts, mass printing of music copies and recording. It was now easy for anyone to access music in an easy manner than before. It is in this era where women joined the music industry in large numbers. [11: Landy, Frank J., and Jeffrey M. Conte. Work in the 21st Century, Binder Ready Version: An          Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. John Wiley Sons, 2016. In conclusion, music has actually grown from a minor level to where it is now. It has passed through very many different eras with each era carrying its own characteristics. The musical instruments are seen to be growing from each era to the next. The music industry seems to be growing every now and then. As the time goes by, many people are seen to be interested in music matters. The music was advancing in style and performance from time to time. At the moment, music is still growing and there is room for advancement as well. This is what indicate that music is yet to advance and we should expect better music performance styles in the future.
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